Chapter 28

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This chapter has many POVs which will be labelled so you can follow along.


Christmas day. A day of celebration. A day to be with loved ones and a time to bring long lost family members back together again. It's the day millions of people look forward to as the year comes to a close. A time of laughter, warmth, safety, and closeness.

I thought that this Christmas would be one for the books. And I was right in the absolute worst way.

I knew dad was sick, I knew that he had a condition that was dangerous, but he always walked around with a smile on his face like he was ready to conquer the world. Mom didn't tell me as many details as I wished she had. When I heard the news I was in shock and them immediately angry and soon after curling up in a ball, barely able to breath. It wasn't fair that he was taken, it just wasn't fair. It felt like my life would always be like this: good one moment, and another waiting for the shoe to drop. Well a boot dropped this time.

Everyone was here, even Kota. I wouldn't have been surprised if he hadn't shown up considering how little he seemed to care about our family. I didn't hate him, he was my brother. But sometimes, I wished he was nicer to me. To all of us. I heard the front door creep open and looked up to see my best friend.

"America!" I cried as I rushed into her arms. As soon as I felt her reassuring arms wrap around me, my wall broke down again. I had tried not to cry in front of mom because I didn't want her to have to deal with me being sad after she lost her husband, but once I America was here, the realness settled in.

"America, you look beautiful," said Kenna. She was holding Astra in one arm as she gave America an awkward side hug.

"Aspen, is that you?" asked mom. Aspen and a small lady who I believed was America's maid, Lucy stepped out behind her.

"Mrs. Singer, I'm so sorry for your loss," he said with a nod. She gave him a solemn smile and nodded back. "I'm sorry that we're not here under better circumstances, but with the Lady home, we are going to have to take some serious security measures. That means everyone must stay in this house. I realize this might be a tight fit, but it's for your own safety. The guards will do their best to stay out of your way. James, Kenna, and Kota, we're prepared to go to your homes and gather necessities. It would be best for you to make lists and let us know when you're ready to go."


"I can't stay away from my studio," said Kota. "I have deadlines and pieces to finish. Some of us have real jobs and a livelihood." Wow he was rude.

"We can bring any materials you need from the studio back here with us. We can make as many trips as necessary," Officer Leger said politely. "You could use that garage space to work."

Kota crossed his arms and looked around with disdain.

"That place? It's a dump," he grumbled.

"Fine. You can either work in the dump, or you can risk your life at your apartment. The choice is yours." It was quiet for a moment, heavy tension in the air.

"May," said America, breaking through it, "You can sleep with me. Kenna and James could take your room." They all nodded in agreement.

"Lucy," Lady America whispered to me. I turned toward her with determination in my eye. I wanted to do everything I could to help. "I want you near us. You might have to sleep on the floor, but I would love if you were close by." She had a pleading look in her eye and I could tell she was trying to be strong.

"Of course. I wouldn't be anywhere else, miss," I said.

"And where am I supposed to sleep?" asked Kota frustratingly.

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