Chapter 29

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I was all nerves and no logic. My palms were sweaty and red from wringing them every five seconds. I had never been this nervous in my life and I was the crown prince.

"Maxon, are you sure you're ready for this?" asked my father while my mother fixed my tie. I didn't want him to think I wasn't completely on board with this plan because the two of them would talk me out of it.

"Yes, I'm sure," I repeated for the third time. My mother smoothed my tie and lapel and smiled at me.

"Good." They started to make their way out of the room, but my father hesitated. "Maxon," he began.

"Yes?" I replied hopefully.

"I want you to know that I..." He trailed off, looking at me with adoration which is wasn't something I saw often. "That I think you should straighten up; don't slouch. Good luck." I smiled, knowing what he really wanted to say. They started to make their way out again.

"Mother, wait," I said impulsively. She turned to me quizzically. I cleared my throat.  She withdrew her arm from the King's and patted his shoulder reassuringly. He exited the room, leaving just my mother and I.

"Is everything all right, dear?" she asked, slightly worried.

"Yes," I said, but there was hesitation in my voice. She gave me that motherly look that they do and sat me down.

"What's going on? You don't have to announce this today if you don't want to, you know. You can do it when you're ready. We can send the girls back home."

"Here's the thing, though. I am ready. I've been ready for months now and looking back, I don't understand why I didn't do this sooner."

"Maxon, what do you mean?"

I pulled out a small, velvet box and showed it to her.

"I already know who I'm marrying. I've known since I saw her, mom." She gasped as I opened the box and inside was a gold ring, the band made up of tiny gold vines that looped over and around each other. They met at the top to hold two gems, one green and one purple. The gems sat next to each other at the crown of the ring, like they were holding each other.

"The green one is my birthstone, as you know because I wanted to make the ring personal. I didn't want to go for the biggest diamond that was offered which is something Celeste would have liked. I wanted to make sure my wife understood the meaning behind the ring. I'm offering all of me, my whole life. From my birth to my death, I'm hers." My mother was at a loss for words, tears forming in her eyes.

"The one I choose is-"

"America," she finished. "You choose America." She had a knowing smile underneath the tears that were spilling onto her cheeks. "Maxon, I am so happy for you. Truly." I smiled as she embraced me. Once her lips were at my ear, she whispered something that made my heart weep with joy.

"Don't...tell father. I want to be the one who notifies him. You know how he gets." She nodded, understanding.

"Collect yourself and join us in the parlor. The lady's are waiting!" She gave me another quick hug and left the room.

Shortly after, I was standing outside the Great Room's doors. I was extremely nervous, but ready. I opened the doors.

sorry guys. updates will be shooting like rockets. enjoy this chapter! the next one will be a mini one to prepare for the big finale scene ;)

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