Chapter 16

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We were standing in Officer Leger's room unsure of what to do. He had carried America who was groaning on his bed, holding her bleeding arm. We decided it was better to have her in the officers' wing because it was in a far corner of the palace. I was covered in a thin layer of sweat from stress and was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. 

"What do we do?" I asked for the third time. We had been back no more than five minutes now. 

"We should get the doctor," said Leger, apprehensively. We made eye contact and already knew that wasn't a real option. If we called a doctor, even mine who kept secrets from the palace, we would have to explain what happened and we couldn't risk it, not yet. 

"No," groaned America from the bed. She tried to get herself in a seated position, wincing from the pain. She was also covered in sweat from pain I could only imagine. "I won't die from this," she assured. "We just need to have it cleaned." She seemed to be fighting going in and out of consciousness, only being able to grit out a few phrases at a time. 

"You'll definitely need something for the pain," I said.

"The alleyway was really dirty and... I touched her," said Paige with flushed cheeks. "It might get infected if we don't-"

"Anne. Get Anne," America said breathily. 

"Who's Anne?" I asked. 

"Her head maid," Leger replied. "Avery, go get Anne and a medical kit. Tell her to come immediately and alone." I admired how assertive he was, always taking control of situations like this and knowing what to do. Avery left and I realized that Paige was still in the room. 

"Are you a criminal? A runaway?" I asked her. She shook her head hard.

"I did run away but nobody is looking for me," she said. I nodded. 

"Great, welcome aboard. Follow Avery to the kitchens and ask for Mallory. Tell her you've been instructed to work under her from the Prince and that she should come up to the officers' wing." Paige nodded and scurried away to catch up to Officer Avery. It was just America, Leger and I in the room, the only sound being America's groans and whimpers. 

"How'd you guys make it out?" asked America. "We were outnumbered."

"August, Georgia and Micah," I replied. "He wasn't playing around when he said he wouldn't let us get hurt. Micah...he didn't make it." America's face fell. We didn't know him very well but I greatly appreciated his sacrifice. America lifted her arm to wipe away a tear that had begun to fall down her cheek, seeming to forget that she had a gunshot wound.

"Dammit!" she cried out. 

"Calm down, America," said Officer Leger. I snapped my eyes to him at that. He didn't notice his own slip up of addressing her without 'Lady'. The more time I spent around him, the more I grew to understand why America trusted him so much. I refused to let any jealous thoughts intrude my mind because if anything had happened, America would have told me already. I would definitely know.  I rushed to her bed to sit down and placed my palm against her cheek. She leaned into my touch and closed her eyes with a smile. My gaze shifted to the nightstand table. 

"It must be amazing to have such devotion," I said to Leger with longing. On the table among other framed photos of who I assumed to be family members, was an empty picture frame and a handwritten note that read:

I'll always love you. I'll wait for you forever. I'm with you, no matter what.

Before the selection, my only experience with women was Daphne and that wasn't real love. My father's version of love was harsh and taught by lessons. My mother's version of love was quiet and reserved. While I appreciated her, I wondered what it was like to experience real love. I felt close to that whenever I was with America. She made me feel that way. I also felt safety and serenity with Kriss. The only difference was our situation, which was far from traditional. America turned her head toward the frame, her face flushing slightly. 

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