Chapter 30

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Kriss POV

The energy in the room was at an all time high. All the initial selected were invited back to the palace to witness Maxon's engagement first hand. America was still en route as everyone got drunker and everything seemed funnier. I tried my best to join in the liveliness, but behind my grins and giggles I was in a state of panic. 

Maxon was going to announce his bride tomorrow. His wife. The princess. The one that he would be spending the rest of his life with. Potentially the one he truly loved. He had given us all notice earlier and invited all the other selected back. If he chose Celeste I would know it wasn't for love and possibly not his choice. Choosing Elise would be pointless because as best as she tried to hide it, my hypersensitive senses already knew the truth about her. Plus Natalie had told me in confidence. Maxon wouldn't subject her to a life of misery if he could help it. 

Which left me or America. Whoever he picked would declare his true feelings and I hoped to god it was me. I didn't know every detail about his relationship with America, but I knew his feelings for me, however deep or shallow, were real. I felt them. I decided not to let this eat me up inside and just try to enjoy the festivities. I downed the rest of my champagne and went to the bar for something a little stronger. I was planning on sipping my wine before Natalie came by my side. 

"Nat?" I said with shock. I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her in an embrace. "What are you doing here? I wasn't expecting you to come." 

She smiled softly. "I wasn't expecting to come either. I thought about staying home with my family, but I wanted to be here for you, you know in case I'm talking to the future princess of Illea." I giggled, feeling the sensations of my drink from earlier. 

"Plus," she began, "Elise isn't doing too well."

"What do you mean?" 

"You don't know? Maxon gave her and Celeste the boot last night. Elise feels conflicted because she knows her family will be disappointed in her, but she can't exactly tell them she's in love with...with someone else. Someone they wouldn't approve of." She said the last part with a frown.

"Hey," I said lifting her chin. "It'll be okay. And if it's not I'll be there for you, okay?" She smiled. 

"Okay. Now down that drink woman!" I laughed and followed her instruction, downing my wine in three gulps. When I brought the glass back down, Nat stared at me with awe. 

"I didn't mean literally!" She laughed. 

"I have to catch up with the rest of them," I said gesturing to the group of ladies in the middle of the room who were not being very ladylike. I smirked and went to join them. 

"She's here! America's back!" someone called. We all cheered and raised our glasses. America looked completely bewildered at the sight of all of us. We rushed toward her, most of us already on our fourth and fifth drinks. 

"Ah you bitch! I knew you'd make it!" squealed a very drunk Celeste. I smiled at her. Ever since we had all seen the true side of her, we created a special bond that I wish had been made earlier. 

"Make it to what?" she yelled back. 

"It's us! Maxon's announcing his engagement tomorrow and it's one of us!" I shouted, sounding much drunker than I thought I was. 

"What? Are you serious?" she said with a shocked smile. We nodded. 

"Maxon gave me and Elise the boot last night. She's not taking it very well," said Celeste.

"What about you?" asked America.

Celeste shrugged. "Eh. But I'm too drunk and you are way too sober." America threw her head back in laughter. 

"To Kriss and America, the last girls standing!" someone yelled. We all shouted cheers, tossing back our drinks. 

It was a blur after that. There was lots of laughter, some crying, some apologies given by the one and only Celeste. I searched the room for America whose cheeks were turning red from the alcohol. 

"Hey you," I said to her. I gave her a hug. "Let's promise that tomorrow we'll be happy for each other, no matter what." She beamed at me. 

"I think that's a good plan." Suddenly I was being dragged out of the room by her. Confused, I opened my mouth to ask why. 

"America what's wrong?"

She pulled us to a discreet location toward the bathrooms. 

"You're a rebel," she accused. My hand flew to my neck and I immediately regretted it.

"What? You're crazy."

"I know what that star means, Kriss. Don't try to lie to me." I paused. She had caught me and was right, there was no point in trying to lie my way out this time. I drew a breath. 

"I haven't done anything illegal. I'm not leading protests or anything like that; I just support the cause."

"Fine," she said coldly, "But how much of your part here is for Maxon and how much is for your group wanting one of their own on the throne?" I clenched my jaw, the warmth gone from my voice. 

"If you must know, yes, initially I was presented to the king an option. The king was -- and still is -- unaware of how many Northerners were promoted. I was the only one of all the potential candidates to make it through. But make no mistake about how I feel about Maxon. At first, I didn't know him and he didn't seem to notice me, but as I got to know him I realized how I felt. You may not believe me and may think my motives are wrong, but I love Maxon and I will fight for him. I'm not backing down. Do you understand?"

She stared at me, understanding but stayed silent. 

"Good. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to the party." Before I withdrew, I leaned in to her ear. 

"We all have secrets hidden in this palace, don't we America," I said before I walked away. She still hadn't realized that I had seen her with that guard who happened to be Officer Leger and it didn't take a genius to figure out they were from the same town. If she wanted to threaten me, I would hit back just as hard. 


Happy New Year everyone! More updates coming throughout today and sadly the end of the book! xx

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