Chapter 37

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I wasn't sure how long I was out for as I woke up in a new location. I cracked my eyes open trying to survey the room and figure out if I was safe or if the wrong people were holding me for ransom.

"Your Majesty," said a voice. I groaned trying to sit up which shortly turned into a cry.

"You must rest, Your Majesty. You are still recovering from quite the injury." I recognized the voice to be Doctor Luke.

"What happened?" I asked, my throat dry and hoarse.

"You were shot, sir. You've been here for a few hours after a few guards recovered your body from the Great Room." Suddenly my brain blasted me with all my lost memories. Ignoring the pain, I sat up straight and threw my cover off.

"The ladies, are they well? I...I must see the damages and losses and consult with my father-,"

"Sir," said Luke, "There is something you should know..." I looked at him with confusion. He had a sad look in his eye, a look of sympathy.

"I need to speak with my father, Luke." He said nothing. He merely stared with his mouth gaping. "If there is something you wish to say, then speak!" I snapped.

But I already knew. From the look on his face, I knew what fate my father fell to.

"I'm sorry, Maxon." I reclined into my bed, reeling from the news and from the pain spreading from my side to my heart. I gave him a hard nod, understanding.

"My mother," I said quietly, "how is she?" There were a few guards and about a dozen officials in my room, all of them freezing in place at the question.

"Your Majesty," began one of the officers, "with all the duties to the country and to her marriage, your mother fulfilled them in the highest form. She protected her husband down to her last breath."

"Her last-." No. I shook my head at him.

"No," I whispered.

"We share our deepest condolences,"

"No," I said firmly. "She can't be gone. I am simply asleep, I am dreaming." I pinched my arm but the stares remained. I slapped my cheek and the stares remained. I hit myself over and over, harder each time and with more force until my hand became wet with tears.

"Your Majesty, please. You mustn't harm yourself while you are still recovering." Your Majesty.

I am king.

I drew in a breath and closed my eyes. This was the nightmare that haunted all my dreams. So much loss.

"What of the ladies?" I asked quietly.  "The guards? The maids?"

"There are many casualties, sir," said the officer. "Many were harmed and those we could save reside in the hospital wing." I breathed in.

"Celeste Newsome did not make it." I breathed out.
"The rest of the ladies are alive, many suffering from minor injury." I breathed in.
"A few are quite banged up, but we are still recovering a lot of people." I held my breath.

"I am glad for their safety. Please bring me a list of the deceased as soon as possible." Where is my America? I wanted to ask.
"I'm sure there are many things to be done and discussed so bring in all the officials immediately and let's get a head start."

"Your Majesty, I suggest you rest. You were badly injured," said Luke.

" it." Everyone began to disperse, bustling in and out of the room. I pulled one of the guards toward me.
"As soon as Lady America has been located, please show her this way." He nodded and walked away.

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