Chapter 35

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Warning this chapter has violence and blood

I had to have sat there for at least an hour, the water running cold. I could barely feel the difference. I had cried every tear out of my body, nearly passing out from dehydration. I didn't want to move. I didn't want to breathe. I just wanted to sit here forever but I couldn't. These were the times when I hated my life and cursed the universe for allowing me to be born into it. Composure had become an emotion for me. I had already announced to everyone that I would be picking my princess today. My wife. I stood to turn off the water and stepped out in my drenched clothing. I looked back at the mirror, thinking back to the memory of us dancing on the roof. The sunset splitting through the raindrops and cascading onto her face. Her dazzling smile and the laugh coming through those full pink lips. Her eyes were closed as I dipped her back, holding my world in my arms. I looked away, not wanting to dry heave again. I unlocked my bathroom door and walked into the bedroom and saw Hunter waiting there.

"Maxon where have you been! People have been searching for over-" he started. I looked up at him and his eyes widened. "Oh my god, what happened to you?" I simply shook my head, unable to explain.

"Please fix me," I said hoarsely. "I need to prepare to see Kriss and to speak to her family. I know everyone is waiting for me downstairs. I picked her. Kriss that is, so I-"

"Maxon wait," said Hunter holding my arm.

"Don't," I snapped, shrugging him off. "Just fix me up."


I had never seen the Great Room so packed before. All the previously selected were here, as were many of their family members. Kriss and I sat at the head of the beautifully decorated table, my hand in hers. August and Georgia were somewhere in the room as well after practically inviting themselves. Everyone looked wonderful. There was music, drinks and a general happiness in the room. I had my best camera face on. Gavril was in the corner of the room narrating the scene to the cameras. I was aware of America on my right, but I didn't dare glance her way.

"Everything looks so perfect," said Kriss, beaming. I smiled back at her.

"Just like you," I said smiling. I wasn't lying either. I had developed a close bond with Kriss and she was perfect to me. Maybe not perfect for me, but close enough.

I couldn't even bring myself to tell her that she won in person. I wrote a letter explaining that things has changed and if she was smart, she would have guessed why. I genuinely believed that I could grow to love her as we continued to develop our relationship. I wasn't sure how long that would take now that I was going into this relationship heartbroken. She made me feel wanted and loved but most of all safe. She smiled and pressed her head against mine, leaning forward to kiss me. Her lips burned against my own and I had to force myself not to grimace.

"How about a toast, son," said my father. I glanced at Kriss and then stood and chuckled nervously.

"This is a...a joyous day. After so many months in this selection process, I've finally managed to find my wife!" There were cheers around the room. I could see the burn of jealousy in the eyes of some of the previously selected who were still single. I prayed Tiny would cry again, as a distraction so I could leave the room. Unfortunately, she looked happy for me and my engagement.

"I want the kingdom to celebrate today. Share my happiness." I choked on that last word. I cleared my throat, "To my wife!" I finished, looking at Kriss. She smiled up from her seat and sipped her wine. 

I made my rounds in the room, greeting everyone. I walked to my mother. I didn't even have to say anything for her to know. She could see the heartbreak in my eyes behind my façade and she knew America and I were through. I gave her hug.

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