Chapter 10

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*play here:
Honeymoon - Johnny Stimson

After breakfast on Saturday, America and I met in the middle of the dining hall as the maids cleared the dishes. I caught my mother wink at America causing us both to blush only to be diminished by my father's cold and watchful gaze. I thread my fingers through hers for encouragement as we exited.

"I'd ask you what you'd like to do today, but unfortunately our options are quite limited. No gardens, no riding, no anything outside." America pouted and hugged my arm.

"Not even with a ton of guards with us?" she whined.

"No, darling. I'm sorry, but with the frequent rebel attacks my father is adamant that we all stay indoors. We can watch a movie? Maybe one with a garden setting," I said.

"It's not the same." My face fell and she noticed. "Well come on, then. Let's make the most of it," she said tugging my arm. I laughed as she dragged me along, giggling. We took the back stairway to the movie theatre before America stopped abruptly.

"What is it?" I asked. She turned toward the window where raindrops were making soft clinks against the stained glass. The sun wasn't out and yet the colours danced across her face as the pale light shone through each little drop of water.

"It's raining," she said in awe. Even I had to turn my attention to the natural cycle before us. I spent most of my time in an office or at a desk, neck craned down toward my papers and tablets that I hardly had time to appreciate things like this.

"It's so beautiful," she practically whispered. I glanced at her.

"It is, isn't it."

"I wish I could touch it, just one drop," she muttered absent-mindedly.

"I know, darling, but we just-" I stopped midsentence. It was against the rules to go outside on the grounds but there wasn't a rule for the roof. As long as we didn't get caught going up there... I glanced down the hall where the stairs flowed beneath us and noticed only a couple guards there. America looked at me, confusion on her face.


"Come on," I said grabbing her wrist. She yelped as I tugged her up the rest of the stairs. We passed the floor where the theatre was and ran up to the fourth floor. When we reached it, I slowed my pace down, bowing my head at the guards stationed in the hall before dashing into one of the smaller parlors. I pulled America into the grand room toward the fireplace and pulled down the latch. A small opening revealed itself and I pressed my hand against the pad as it scanned it. America looked bewildered as I turned toward her, making me laugh. The pad beeped twice and a narrow, dimly lit staircase was shown. Despite tiptoeing up the stairs, our steps echoed against the damp, brick walls. Once we reached the top, I pushed the door open. A warm gust of air blew against us as we came face to face with a wall of rain.

"The roof?" she said.

"The roof." She took a few steps up to stand beside me, completely enthralled by the sight. She extended her arm into the outside, collecting fat raindrops on her skin. With a sneaky grin on my face, I shoved her into the rain and she was soaked within seconds.

"Maxon!" she gasped with delight. I laughed and joined her in the downpour. My hair fell across my eyes, the rain washing out the little gel I had holding it back as hers clung to her nape and shoulders. I wrapped my arms around her waist and turned her around.

"Look," I said against her ear. She turned and noticed the scene before us.

"Wow," she mumbled. I smiled. The entire city was spread out before us, grey buildings cutting into streets and corners. Even in the dimly lit sky, it was impossible not to gasp at the sight. Each building was a different shape and colour, telling a different story.

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