Chapter 26

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Her eyes scanned the room, wide as can be. She took slow steps into the belly of the room in awe. I knew it was big compared to other rooms in the Palace, but because I spent so much time in it, I had gotten used to the size. For America, though, the rooms that the Selected were given seemed huge so I could imagine what was going through her mind now.

"Maxon, it's huge! You could fit a whole football team in here," she said with her back to me.

"Tried it once. Not as comfortable as you'd think." She turned to swat at me, but I saw it coming and dodged it with a smile. She smirked as her eyes wandered to the wall behind me. She gasped, moving toward it. I turned and realized she was looking at my collage. She studied it, eying every picture. She submit her gaze and awe to every shot I had captured, and even those i hadn't. She let out an airy giggle as she began to notice the photos I had of her scattered within. Subtly, I unhooked one of my small cameras from the wall and raised it to capture what I thought was the most marvelous scene of all. The blue of America's eyes ricocheting off of the blues of the oceans and skies I had photographed. The contrast of the blue hue cast over the front of her face to the warm, orange glow encircling the back of her head from the lights in the room. On her lips, the softest of smiles and she looked so...lovely. I snapped the shot and placed the camera back on the wall before she could notice.

"Maxon," she breathed. "It's...this is beautiful."

"You like it?" I asked.

"I'm in awe of it. How many did you take?"

"Nearly all of them. But ones such as this," I said pointing to a picture of her from one of the magazines, "I asked for." I began pointing out several other photographs I had taken on my travels.

"Where's this one?" She asked pointing to one of an old wall.

"This is from New Asia. It used to be North of what was called the Chinese border, called the Great Wall of China. I heard that it used to be something spectacular, but it's mostly ruins now."


"I was really hoping you'd like it," I said.

"I do. So much." Suddenly she turned to me, clutching my arms. "I want you to make me one. No, wait. I want you to teach me."

"Really? You do?"

"Yes. I can't tell you how much I wish I could do this. Capture moments of my life, peaceful, happy, even painful and hold on to them forever. I feel...I don't know like I understand you more now. You make so much more sense."

"Glad to hear you thought I was senseless before," I said jokingly. She crinkled her nose at me and walked over to wrap her arm around me. I did the same and we stood there quietly taking it all in.



"If things were different and you weren't the Prince, is this what you'd want to do for a living?"

"Taking pictures you mean?" She nodded.

"Absolutely," I said without even thinking. "I'd do it for art, or even advertising. Family portraits, pretty much everything I could. I'm rather passionate about it, which I'm sure you can tell."

"I can."

"Why do you ask?"

"It's just..." She turned to look up at me, "You'd be a Five." She swallowed hard, trying to read me as I soaked that in. I smiled.

"That makes me happy."

"Me too," she said smiling back. Impulsively, I took her hands in mine.

"Say it, America. I'm tired of tiptoeing around it. Tell me you love me and want to be mine alone," I said frantically.

"Maxon, I can't be yours alone with the other girls here."

"And I can't send them home until I'm sure of your feelings."

"And I can't give you what you want when I don't know if you could be doing the same thing with Kriss tomorrow."

"Doing what with Kriss?" I wasn't even thinking about her right now. "She's already seen my room, I told you."

"Not that, I mean pulling her away and making her feel like..."

"Like what?" I whispered, crouching slightly so I could see her eyes.

"Like she's the only one that matters," America said looking into my eyes. "She's crazy about you, she even told me so. And I don't think it's one-sided."

I sighed. "I'd by lying if I said she didn't mean anything, but I do know that you mean more."

"How am I supposed to be sure of that when you can't send her home?" I smirked and slowly wrapped my hands around her waist, pulling her closer to me.

Moving my lips to her ear, I said, "I can think of a few other ways to show you how you make me feel." I felt her shudder at the proximity of my breath against her skin. I dragged my lips down her jaw to her neck. She started to get weak so I walked us back until she was against the wall. I kissed her neck as she craned it to give me more access. I traced my lips back up to her ear, pushing her hair away.

"I want you, America," I said in a low voice. "So badly, and I want you to be mine. Alone." I moved my hands down her legs as I crouched. I ran my fingertips up the exposed part of her leg, closer and closer to...

"I want to give you everything," I murmured. I looked up at her hooded eyes, kissing the inside of her leg as I lifted it slightly. She was breathing heavily. I slowly stood again, grazing my fingers on every curve as they moved up.

"I want to give you things you didn't even know you wanted. I—"

A loud and jarring knock came at the door, startling us both. I quickly pressed my lips against hers. "Don't move. I full intend to finish this...conversation." She gave me a look that said I couldn't even if I wanted to. I kissed her again, slowly this time. I pulled away and walked to the door.

Whoever it was better have a damn good reason for coming here at this time.


"I'm sorry Your Majesty. We're looking for Lady America. Her maids said she might be here with you," said the guard. I let him in, confused as to what he wanted. He walked in and glanced over America with sympathy in his eyes. He then placed a hand on my shoulder and leaned in to whisper something. My eyes widened, my heart crashing. I looked to him for confirmation to make sure I had heard him correctly. He nodded solemnly. I brought my hand up to my face in disbelief.

"Maxon are you all right? What's going on?" America asked. I turned to face her.

"America...I'm so sorry. I hate to be the one to tell you this..."

"Tell me what? What happened?" She asked, her frow burrowed with concern and worry.

"Your father has died," I said delicately. Immediately, her body went rigid. She stayed completely still for several beats of silence trying to comprehend what I just told her. She took a clumsy step backwards as her eyes watered. Just as suddenly, her eyes rolled to the back of her head as her body went limp, heading straight for the ground.

The One: MaxonWhere stories live. Discover now