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Sapphire's POV

Sapphire followed Vermilion to his courters in SkyWing palace with Kinkajou trailing behind her. She didn't care that Kinkajou was with her but she wanted Winter by her side. Winter. The handsome, grumpy, honorable, brave, curious, and sarcastic IceWing that Sapphire loved. Uh, did I say love? I, Sapphire thought. Kinkajou's scales kept changing from blue to yellow. 

Sapphire didn't know a lot about the RainWing colors. She just knew that blue meant curious, red meant angry, yellow meant happy, green meant fear, and white meant pain. She only knew these since her mother was a doctor after the war. Her mother, Jackel, worked with RainWings, SandWings, and MudWings more so Sapphire saw a lot of white on RainWings. I miss Mom, she thought. Going on an adventure without her seems so...wrong. 

Before Sapphire went to Jade Mountain Academy, Sapphire and Jackel traveled all around Pyrrhia and helped cure dragons. They had so many adventures. One of them involved a dragonflame cactus. But that mostly because a Moonhead dragon decided to breathe fire near one. 

Sapphire was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't realize that they were already in Vermilion's courters. It was strange actually. She never thought that she would ever see her father's room. In fact, she thought she would never meet her father. The room was pretty dull. It only had a bed a chest for all of Vermilion's things and a mirror. But the ceiling of the room was really tall. There was also a large diamond-shaped window -- the window we flew through to get in his room. 

Kinkajou landed on the stone floor and shook her wings joyfully. "I have a few questions," Vermilion said, pacing around the room. "The first am I father?" he asked.

"Well, it's simple," Sapphire grinned. Hmm, I have an idea...she thought mischievously. "First there is a mommy and a daddy dragon-"

"I know HOW I just need to know WHEN," Vermilion said, cutting me off. His snout had a disgusted face plastered on his snout.  

"I don't know how," Kinkajou peeped, her scales turning blue. Sapphire's eyes widened in surprise and so did Vermilion. 

"Um...Queen Glory will tell you..." Sapphire muttered. Kinkajou said okay and then dropped it. Thank the moons because if she didn't then they would have a REALLY awkward conversation. "Anyway, do you remember that night when you met Jackel...she was fixing the doors. You met her and...well...took advantage of her," she growled. Vermilion looked confused like he didn't what I was talking about. 

"That's not what I remember," Vermilion whispered. "I remember Jackel...I will never forget her. She was my first and only love," he said. I'm confused...Vermilion loved Mom, Sapphire thought. 

"Ooo, plot twist!" Kinkajou whispered loudly. 

"What do you mean?" Sapphire wondered. 

"When Mother was talking to Burn I met Jackel. I immediately fell in love with her. She was everything to me. Jackel was a lot like you...she was smart, feisty, and hilarious," Vermilion said, sighing happily as if he was reliving a memory. "We kept meeting secretly in the gardens because Burn hated cross-breeding. But one day...Jackel disappeared. She never wrote a letter or showed her face in the Sand Kingdom again," Vermilion sighed. "And trust me, I looked." 

Sapphire felt as though someone just punched her stomach and left her on the floor to die. Why did her mom lie to her? She thought that they had a good connection. She thought that Jackel would never lie to her. How could Jackel lie about something this huge? That story was like the base of her dragonethood. Being told that the story was a lie...was like being told that your dad died when you were a baby and the person you call father is actually a random stranger. 

"Also...what's your name?" Vermilion wondered. My whole life was a lie, Sapphire thought. 

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