Should We, Or Should We Not?

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The grumpy IceWing prince shook his head rapidly. What are those Icicle Heads thinking! The memory of all those innocent dragons dying of flames washed over Winter's brain. Sapphire looked up, concerned. Maybe she was reading my mind. Wait can she do that, the chilly prince thought as he wrapped his tail around hers, carefully avoiding to poke her gorgeous scales. I really need to stop falling for the girls who can read minds and see the future, Winter shuddered and frowned. 

"I'm sorry is our Winglet as stupid as I thought or is it just me?" Winter growled, stopping his feet. 

"Winter, Moon thinks it's best that we go to the Sky Kingdom," Qibli said, trying to defend Moonwatcher. The Jade Winglet was in the forest now, trying to decide where to go. The main question was should they go to the mountains or should they go to the Sky Kingdom. Winter personally thought that the group should head to the Mountains and search from there. However, the crazy couple thought otherwise. 

"I don't really care! Moon, you do realize that if we go to the Sky Palace we will have to tell Queen Ruby what we are trying to find. Which will then lead her to suspect that Peril is the one who is causing all this death!" Winter tried to reason with the beautiful NightWing. Peril looked up from her talon, which she was using to burn a perfectly beautiful flower, and faked smiled at me. 

"Aw, you really do care don't you, Icykins," Peril said, rolling her eyes. Her sarcasm was clearly there.  "Listen, I don't mind going to the Sky Palace. I can convince Queen Ruby that I had nothing to do with the deaths of the SkyWings," Peril said. 

"See, she says she's fine with it. So, can we PLEASE go to Sky Palace?" Turtle whined. "My wings are starting to hurt." Kinkajou smiled kindly at Turtle and snuggled her snout against his neck. The SeaWing prince smiled shyly. 

"Oh please, you only want to go to the Sky Palace because Clay is there!" Winter shouted. Peril scoffed three times but then looked away. "And you Mr. I'm-as-lazy-as-my-girlfriend has to deal with flying! You wanted to go on this adventure so now you have to deal with the consequences!" He barked at Turtle. This startled everyone, well not everyone just Turtle, Kinkajou, Bear, and Sapphire. 

"Hey! I am NOT lazy!" Kinkajou growled. "You IceWings think that everydragon is below you! Well, guess what Winter, I'm just as useful as you because we are all the same!" 

"Pft, please, the last time I checked, I was actually friends with the Queen of my tribe!" Winter shot, rolling his eyes. "Moons, related!" 

Kinkajou's scales turned from yellow to red as fast as lightning and she started to growl. The only thing that stopped her from spraying her venom on Winter was Turtle's talons. "I am phe queenfs pfriend!" Kinkajou said through Turtle's talons. 

"Winter, maybe you are overreacting a little bit," Moon said, trying to calm things down. And trust him, things were not going to calm down so easily. 

"Overreacting!" Winter bellowed. "I am not overreacting! I'm just stating the obvious! I think we should go to the mountains where the prophecy told us to look!" Moon grimaced and looked down at the floor. 

"Seems like you're overreacting now," Moon muttered. 

"Excuse me!" Winter raged. 

"Winter you need to calm down!" Qibli growled. "Do you really want to go back to being the worst dragon in the group?!" 

Winter scoffed. "Worst dragon in the group. That's not me, that's that monster that you recruited when I was gone on my mission!"   

"I'll show you monster-" Peril growled about to jump on Winter. 

"Alright, Alright!" Sapphire yelled. The group immediately stopped talking and stared at Sapphire. The young hybrid cleared her throat and sat down. "We will go to the Sky Palace and talk to Queen Ruby. She must have something to tell us. Until then, you guys will NOT fight," she growled. "OR I SWEAR, I WILL DRAG ALL OF YOU BY YOUR EARS TO THE PALACE MYSELF AND YOU KNOW I CAN DO IT!" The Winglet sighed and nodded. "Good. Now, will someone please tell me where Bear went?" 

"What do you mean? Bear has been here the whole time," Turtle puzzled. Turtle turned his head but the only thing that was next to him was a patch of grass. There was no male MudWing next to him. "Let me rephrase that...he used to be here..." Turtle said, trailing off. 

Now the only question that was left with Jade Winglet was: Why did Bear leave and where did he go? "Well, I guess we have to put a pin in the going to the Sky Palace idea," Winter commented. 

"Aw!" Peril groaned. "Stupid Bear, of all the times to run off you choose now?!" 

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