The Boarder He Didn't Want To Cross

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"We can't find Bear," Turtle gasped. He laid down on the floor like a tired dragonet. Winter sighed in disappointment. I guess we're going to the Sky Kingdom, Winter thought coldly. Winter wondered why he was even hanging out with these Icicle Heads. He didn't understand why his friends wouldn't search the mountains first! 

Peril was next to Turtle scanning the forest even if Turtle just checked it. "Yeah," Peril murmured. "Suspicious isn't it?" 

"Why do you say that?" Sapphire asked. It has been an hour since Sapphire woke up with blush on her scales. Winter woke her up and told her what happened the other night. Sapphire couldn't stop blushing. 

"Don't you find it suspicious that Bear decided to leave right when we were fighting, leaving no note or trace of where to find him?" Peril asked, prying. What was Peril up to? Winter realized what Peril was doing. She was testing Sapphire to see if she was the traitor. Fear flooded into Winter's frosty eyes. He had to do something. 

"I find it suspicious but don't you find it suspicious that the Prophecy said, 'Beware the talons of fire' again?" Winter snapped, protecting Sapphire. The young hybrid looked up at Winter grateful and Peril looked at Winter with sadness in her eyes. Sorry, Peril...I had to protect Sapphire, Winter thought apologetically. Let's just hope it was worth it. 

"Hey, the prophecy said 'Search among yourselves' I was just doing that," Peril huffed. 

"Okay, let's not be rude to each other any longer," Kinkajou peeped. "We have somewhere to be." 

"Right! Kinkajou is right!" Qibli said. "Since we can't find Bear, we will head to the Sky Kingdom and ask Queen Ruby about the killings." 

"Fine!" Winter growled. The group of friends turned around and started to fly. Peril was the first one in the air. Her large wings caught the air's current in no time. All Peril had to do was flap her wings every once and a while then she'll be on her way. Turtle was next, obviously, he was groaning about how much he hates flying. Kinkajou laughed with him and took off into the sky. Moon and Qibli were next, they took off into the sky with their tails twined. Winter tried not to get jealous but it was so hard. 

"Hey, um, meet you in the sky?" Sapphire wondered. Winter smiled. Not jealous anymore, he thought. 

"Where else will I meet you? The ocean?" Winter chortled. Sapphire laughed with him and brushed her wings against his. This left a tingling feeling on the brim of his wings. Sapphire smiled again then took off into the sky. 

Why was I ever jealous, Winter thought as he took off. Sure it hurt when Moon chose Qibli but all I had to do was meet a new dragon who was better than Moon...Sapphire is my new Moon. Winter side glanced at Sapphire, he saw how she took a deep breath to breathe in the warm, fresh smell of dawn. Winter watched as the sun's warm glow rested perfectly on Sapphire. The glow of the sun made Sapphire look like an actual jewel. 

She looked healthy. 

More healthy than she'll ever be if she was with me, Winter thought sadly. No. Don't think that way. This is probably just a crush, I probably won't marry her. And if I did Qibli wouldn't let me hear the end of it. Winter shuddered. Even thinking about Qibli saying how they were now like brothers made Winter want to die. 

"Hey, Winter, watch this," Sapphire whispered. She started to mutter something. Then all of a sudden stars started to appear on the sky. 

"Sapphire," Moon scolded. "Please turn the sky back to normal." Sapphire sighed but did as she was told. It was like that the whole day. 

After hours of listening to Peril talk about what happened with her and Clay with excruciating detail, they finally arrived. Peril squealed happily and did a flip in the air. Winter couldn't hide his smile. It was nice how Peril wanted to see Clay so bad that she actually squealed aloud. 

"Clay, Clay, Clay," she whispered. "Gosh, I am obsessed..." 

"Yes. Yes you are," Winter snapped, trying to cover up his smile. Peril rolled her eyes but Winter knew that she saw right through him. The group landed but once they landed, a group of SkyWing soldiers started to surround them. 

"What in the Moons?" Peril growled. "Do you know who I am?" She shot as the started to point their spears at her. 

"Peril of the SkyWings you are hereby under arrest under the order of the Queen," a deep voice boomed. Winter turned his head in the direction of the voice. A tall strong (and old) SkyWing walked up to them. He was about as old as Ruby, maybe a few years older. It was Vermilion. 

"What is the meaning of this?! Doesn't Queen Ruby know that I didn't kill those SkyWings?!" Peril shouted. "And even if she doesn't know that, I can easily escape. Spears don't hurt me," snapped Peril. Her tail was in the air and she was in a low crouch, prepared to fight. 

"The fact that you know about the killings is enough evidence...besides the bodies and your...abilities," Vermilion spat. The look of disgust spread all over his snout. 

"Unhand her!" Sapphire yelled. 

"Excuse me?" Vermilion growled. His look of disgust went on Sapphire. All Winter wanted to do was to rip off that face from Vermilion's face. "Do you know who you are talking to? I am the PRINCE of the SkyWings!" 

"And I'm the Princess," Sapphire spat. The group, guards, and Vermilion looked at her like she lost her mind. 

Vermilion burst into laughter. "A SandWing hybrid isn't a princess!"  he laughed. Now Winter wanted to kill Vermilion. 

"She can be if her father was a prince," Sapphire hissed. 

"Who is your father? It's definitely not my nephew Prince Cliff," Vermilion teased. 


There was an awkward silence.  

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