Moon's Sleeping Cave

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Sapphire's POV 

Sapphire slowly walked down toward Moon's sleeping cave. She never went into somebody else's sleeping cave. Sapphire's clawmate was a very grumpy one and she was a SkyWing that hated hybrids so Sapphire was thankful that she was going to miss her clawmate's grumpy stare.  But Sapphire was not happy about going toward Moon. After Sapphire felt the invisible force pull Sapphire away from Moon, she never went close to Moon again. Sapphire was different from other animuses. She only NightWings had this power but apparently so did SkyWing-SandWing hybrids. Sapphire had to power to predict the future and have animus powers. Which was confusing to her but that was the truth. So, when Sapphire knew that Moon could read minds and see the future, that scared Sapphire to the bone. But she wanted to be with Winter and if he was in Moon's sleeping cave then that was were she was going to go. 

Winter's POV

Winter looked at the entrance of the sleeping cave as he waited for Sapphire. Then as if his prayers have been answered, Sapphire walked in the room. She eyed Moon for a bit then walked to Winter. She sat next to him, Winter was confused. Wasn't she cold? Because that was all Winter could give her, freezing cold temperature. 

"Aren't you cold?" Winter asked. 

"No," Sapphire smiled. Her warm wings brushed his and he felt the warm sensation of her scales against his. Winter smiled but caught the glances of his friends. 

"So, what's this prophecy?" Peril asked. Moon glanced at Sapphire and Bear with nervous glances. 

"Um, I have to tell them my powers," Moon mumbled. "I can see the future minds." To everyone's surprise, Bear and Sapphire were extremely calm. 

"Cool," was all Bear would say. Sapphire didn't say anything, she just nodded her head. 

Moon sighed in relief, "Here's the prophecy, 

Up in the Sky

In the Mountains

There is a powerful force

A force full of fire and destruction

Beware of the claws

Beware of the talons of fire

Beware a traitor among you

Beware of long lost foe

Search through what you know

Search  among you

Search the mountains

Search and you find

Mercy or Justice

That is something the creature of it's kind should choose," Moon told them in the creepy voice. But the scary thing was that she wasn't the only one that said it in a creepy voice. Sapphire was saying the prophecy words with Moon in sync. She said exactly the way Moon said and their mouths moved the same way. When they were finished speaking the whole room looked at Sapphire. 

"Can you s-see the future?" Moon asked. Sapphire nodded solemnly. "That...makes...SO MUCH SCENSE!" Moon exclaimed. "That explains why you didn't want to be around me and near me." 

Winter stared in disbelief at his new friend. She could see the future too? Why was Winter so attracted to mysterious and powerful dragons! "Can we get back to the prophecy?" Winter asked. 

"So, you think I'm the murderer in the prophecy," Peril scoffed. "Typical." Winter was so confused. 

"No," Moon said. 

"Well, they did say that there was going to be a traitor," Winter snapped. But it could also be Sapphire or Bear. 

"I'm not the bad guy!" Peril tried to convince them. "Trust me, do you think I would kill now?" Everyone didn't talk. "That's what I thought." 

"Then how do we stop this?" Moon asked. 

"We don't, we wait until it becomes serious," Bear spoke up. Everyone nodded at his wisdom. 

"I agree," Sapphire said. She peaked at Winter but he didn't look at her back. It was to painful. 

"Then we wait until it becomes serious, in the mean time, Peril, Turtle, and Winter are in charge of eavesdropping," Qibli ordered. Winter, Peril, and Turtle nodded. When they said goodnight, Sapphire caught up to Winter and tried to stop him from leaving. 

"Winter, Wait!" Sapphire called. 

"What for?" Winter growled. 

"You promised that you wouldn't act like this," Sapphire cried. Winter turned to face her. 

"You lied to me," Winter snapped. 

"I didn't lie, I just didn't tell you about my other power," Sapphire told him. There was a pause. "You know what, I thought you changed, but clearly you haven't." Sapphire turned to walk away and she didn't look back. 

"Wait," Winter whispered to the empty cave. Winter turned to walk toward his sleeping cave and when he got there he avoided Qibli's questions and went to sleep. Winter couldn't believe he broke his promise to the one dragon he cared more about than Moon. I'm such and Igloo Face!

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