I Win

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Bear's POV

"Peril lost everything. She lost her friends, Clay, and the trust of the queen," Bear whispered, taking off his armor that he used to disguise himself. 

"Good," the voice said, satisfied. 

"Now please let Topaz go," Bear whimpered. 

"Nah Nuh, remember you have to show yourself to Sapphire so Sapphire will know that she lost her friends and her powers," the voice said. 

"Actually, you might need to add Boyfriend to that list," Bear winced. Winter and Sapphire just became boyfriend and girlfriend..." 

"WHAT?! That's not in the FUTURE!" the voice boomed. "No. No. No. NO!" it growled. "Alright change of plans...we're going after Turtle next...alright?" 

"What about the plan changed?" Bear wondered. 

"Everything," the voice fumed. "Now get out of my sight and ruin Turtle's life!" 

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