The Sequel

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Okay, Readers, 

I know this story was short but all the stories for this series will be short since I will need to do different POVs. So...I hope you forgive me for making this short. But I hope you enjoyed this story. Here is a sneak-peak of the next book: 

Turtle didn't know what he was reading. It made sense. But at the same time, it didn't. Why would Kinkajou write such a terrible letter to him? Well, it was written in her handwriting and she was being as sweet as possible...but why would she end it with him? I thought things were going great, Turtle thought sadly, tears sliding down his snout. First, Peril hated him. Then his mother didn't remember his name anymore or wanted anything to do with him. Now, this...what is happening?! 

Anyway, I hope this makes you want to read the next one! Have a great day! 


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