Stupid Friends

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Winter groaned and blinked his eyes weakly. Laying down next to him was Sapphire. Her golden scales were shining brightly in the sunlight. Look at her. What a gorgeous dragon. He doesn't just like her because of how beautiful she is. Winter liked her because she is so kind and smart. 

"Hey there buddy," Qibli's voice said as he walked toward him. Winter made a groan and sat up. "Do I still look pretty?" the goofy SandWing grinned. 

"We...will never mention that anyone..." Winter growled, "understood?" 

"Oh, you have my word," Qibli said, crossing his heart. Winter rolled his eyes but walked up to Sapphire, tempting to shake her awake. "Actually, I wouldn't do that," the SandWing warned. 

"Oh please, how bad can she be," Winter muttered as he started to shake her awake. Instead of getting an awake Sapphire, he got smacked in the face with her warm wing. 

"Told you," Qibli murmured. Winter growled but walked away. "Hey, Moon," he smiled. 

"Hey you," Moon smiled back. The cold prince rolled his eyes but drank some water. "Turtle and Kinkajou are going to get some food," Moonwatcher informed Qibli. Hello? I'm right here, Winter thought as he drank water. "Hi, Winter," Moon said. 

"Good morning Moon," he replied. 

"How was...your sleep?" Moon wondered as she followed me into the woods with Qibli. "Was it...nice?" she grinned. Winter frowned. What was she talking about? Was she delusional? "Did you and Sapphire do anything?" 

Winter turned around. "What do you mean?" Moon snickered. 

"What Moon means to say is..." Qibli trailed off, trying to find the right words. 


"Um..let me just say it," Qibli snickered. "'Oh Sapphire! You complete me!'" Qibli said dramatically. "'And um, I just want to say that...that...I love you!'" Qibli walked to a different side. "' I love you too, Winter!'" he said in a high pitched voice. Then Qibli started to make kissing noises. 

"Okay, okay, STOP!" Winter said, embarssed. (did I spell that right?) "I didn't really dream that...right?" 

"Oh you SO did," Qibli laughed with Moon. "You know you are on a roll here, you know, doing embarrassing things." 

"What do you mean?" Moon asked. 

"Oh, right, I didn't tell you," Qibli stated. 

"No!" Winter urged. 

"Winter said I was pretty yesterday," Qibli smiled. 

Moon looked up at Winter then burst into giggles. "I was delusional at the time," Winter muttered. Moon still laughed. Ugh...friends... 

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