The Big News

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Today was the day that Winter would say sorry to Sapphire, it's been two days since their fight in the hallway. During this time, no one was talking about things that happened in the Sky Kingdom and in classes Sapphire would avoid Winter as much as possible. So, Winter was going to say sorry. Maybe Sapphire would say sorry for not telling Winter that she could see the future. As Winter made his way down the hall, he heard crying. Winter turned and walked to the sound. And there he found lying on the floor sobbing was Sapphire. She lifted up her head and when she saw Winter she wiped her tears and turned to face a different direction but her tears kept coming. Winter walked over to her and out one wing around her. Sapphire kept on crying as if Winter wasn't there. 

"I'm sorry," Winter apologised. "I broke my promise, I was just confused and stressed." Sapphire looked into his eyes. Winter had missed this, he missed the gazes of Sapphire's beautiful eyes. 

"I'm sorry too," Sapphire apologised. "I didn't treat you fairly, I was also wrong, I didn't tell you about my ability and then when you need the comfort, I pushed you away." 

"I forgive you," Winter forgave. 

"I forgive you too," Sapphire smiled. Winter and Sapphire hugged and they stayed in that position for a while. Winter stared at Sapphire with his eyes saying, 'I-I like you, and I'll protect you.' But Sapphire's eyes said. 'Thank you, for everything you done for me'. They were quiet for a bit until they heard talon scraps on the hard cold stone floor. There was more than four talons about eight. 

"Peril, I brought you over here because I have to tell you something," Clay's voice said. Winter and Sapphire hid behind a rock and waited for Peril's response. 

"Anything," Peril said. 

"Remember when you told me about Moon's new prophecy?" Clay reminded Peril. 

"Yes," Peril said nervously. 

"Well...I just found out that there have been killings of innocent dragons," Clay told Peril. Peril gasped and fell on the floor. "They asked for me, Sunny, and Tsunami to come look at the bodies." Clay wrapped his wing around Peril, "Queen Ruby thinks that you should come help with investigating the bodies." 

Peril shook her head, "I can't, I have to tell Moon and the rest of the Jade Winglet. Apparently only the Jade Winglet can stop this creature." 

"Okay," Clay agreed. "I'll tell you when I'm leaving." Clay got up and he walked out of the cave. Winter and Sapphire got out of their hiding spots and saw Peril on the floor covering her face with her wings. 

"Noooo," Peril groaned. "The Prophecy can't be about me because I didn't do anything." 

"Maybe it's about someone else?" Sapphire suggested. Peril shook her head. 

"WHO ELSE HAS TALONS OF FIRE? Hello anyone?" Peril yelled. Sapphire shook her head and yawned so her ears would pop. 

"Did you kill those dragons?" Winter asked. Peril shook her head. "Then you aren't the dragon that the prophecy was talking about." 

"Thanks Winter." 

"No problem," Winter said. Peril got up and started to walk out of the cave. 

"I have to tell Moon," Peril hinted. "Any idea where she'll be?" 

"The Library," Winter said immediately. He may not be her boyfriend but Winter will always assume that if you want to find Moonwatcher then check all the libraries in the area. 

"Well, see ya later," Peril smiled. She walked off and went to search for Moon. Winter and Sapphire walked to the prey centre and as they walked they both wondered when they'll leave Jade Mountain and if it was safe doing so. 

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