The Mountains

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Winter and Sapphire walked down the hall together after they ate. As they walked, Winter was wondering about Sapphire's family. "How is your family?" Winter asked. 

Sapphire hesitated, "Are you trying to ask me how my parents met?" Winter nodded his head. "Well, It's actually a sad story." 

"You wanna bet?" Winter remembered things when he was a little dragonet. 

"Oh really?" Sapphire grinned. 

"Yeah," Winter grinned back. Sapphire chuckled. 

"Before I was born my mom was going to Burn's stronghold to fix the doors," Sapphire informed. They turned on the left. "When she was finished, a SkyWing came to her and took advantage of her." Winter looked at her with sympathy in his face. Sapphire didn't look at Winter. "When she found out she was with egg, she left the kingdom and flew to the mountains." 

"You were raised in the mountains?" Winter asked. Sapphire nodded her head. "Wow," Winter sighed. Sapphire and Winter went into Moon's sleeping cave. Nobody was there. 

"What about you?" Sapphire asked. 

"What about me?" Winter asked as he laid on the floor. They waited for the group to come. 

"You know, what makes your story sadder than mine?" Sapphire asked. 

"My parents would judge me because I wasn't like my siblings," Winter sighed. "Last year my dad died in front of me." 

"Wow, that is sad," Sapphire brushed her wing against his.  

"Eh, I got over it, How did you find out that you were an animus?" Winter asked, changing the subject. 

"I was watching other animus dragons do their magic and I wanted to do the same thing. I enchanted a rock and then it worked," Sapphire told him. Winter nodded his head then he heard talons scuffling on the cold stone floor. It was Moon and Peril, they walked in and saw Winter and Sapphire there. 

"Hey guys," Moon greeted. "Peril just told me so I guess we have to go stop this thing." Qibli walked in and wrapped his wing around Moon. Then Turtle and Kinkajou walked in. Then Bear walked in too. They all sat down but Peril kept on pacing. 

"How are we going to stop this?" Peril asked. She kept on pacing and everyone watched her with a worried glance. They worried that she was going to get so upset that she'll burn something. 

"Here it is again, 

Up in the Sky

In the Mountains

There is a powerful force

A force full of fire and destruction

Beware of the claws

Beware of the talons of fire

Beware a traitor among you

Beware of long lost foe

Search through what you know

Search the among you

Search the mountains

Search and you find

Mercy or Justice

That is something the creature of it's kind should choose," Sapphire told them. Moon said it to at the same time. 

"So, we have to search the Sky Kingdom," Qibli commented. 

"And the mountains," Bear agreed. "So, we gotta move now." 

"I agree with Bear," Peril agreed. "We have to go now so we could stop whoever is killing these dragons." Everyone nodded their head.

"We leave tonight," Moon said. 

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