How Is This Possible?

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"You," Sapphire growled. There was an awkward silence. Winter turned his snout in Sapphire's direction and gaped. I know she is part SkyWing but...she's royalty, Winter thought. How is that possible?! Vermilion looked like he had a heart attack. Moon gasped and Qibli's jaw dropped. Peril was stunned, Turtle was confused, and Kinkajou was clapping and cheering. 

"Yay! She found her father!" Kinkajou cheered. Sapphire looked pleased that Vermilion was shocked. 

"Turbulence, take Peril to the dungeons. You six, follow me," Vermilion ordered, pointing at Winter, Kinkajou, Turtle, Moon, Qibli, and Sapphire. 

"Hey! Get your spears away from me!" Peril snapped, lashing her tail around. Her claws were extended and her eyes were narrowed. "I didn't do anything wrong!" Peril hissed. 

"Peril," a monotone voice said. Peril turned her head to the new dragon that joined them. It was Clay. His warm brown eyes now seemed cold and sorrowful. "Peril...don't fight it," he whispered. 

Peril's piercing blue eyes looked at Clay painfully. She lowered her tail and relaxed. Her smile that she had on before was now gone and was replaced by sorrow. Peril followed the soldiers unwillingly but growled when the Soldiers pointed their spears at her. Why is she following them? Peril didn't do anything wrong, Winter thought. 

"Clay? Why would you do that?" Qibli asked once Peril left with tears in her eyes. Clay looked at the floor angrily. 

"You might want to see this," He whispered. 

"I thought we had to go with Vermilion," Winter spat. This is the first time I have ever stood up to Peril willingly. 

"Can go if you want but...I would suggest that you follow me," Clay hissed. Winter shrank back and sighed. 

"Winter, you should go with him...I'll be okay," Sapphire whispered in Winter's ear. Winter looked at Sapphire painfully but nodded. 

"I can go with her if that's okay," Kinkajou said. Sapphire nodded and then Kinkajou and Sapphire left with Vermilion. 

"Let's get this over with," Winter grumbled. The rest of the group lifted off and flew deep into the castle. As they walked into a room full of light, Winter, Moon, Qibli, and Turtle say a terrible thing. They saw a dead body. And it was killed by burns...burns in the shape of talons. It was Peril...Winter thought. But that's impossible. 

"You see! Peril had to go to the dungeon!" Clay said. "I can't believe I actually trusted her!" Clay cried, gripping his snout. "I should have listened to Tsunami, Glory, Starflight, and everyone!" he growled. 

Winter didn't pay attention to Clay, his focus was on the body... How could this happen? It looked like this happened recently. But Peril never left our side. So, who is this new threat? 

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