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Peril's POV

Peril paced angrily. Why would Clay let these pea-brained guards bring me here? Peril was angry at Clay. But most of all she was heartbroken. She thought that Clay loved her. She thought that Clay will never turn on her. Apparently, she was wrong. 

Suddenly, she heard a few dragons walking towards her. Peril's wings let off a little glow so she was able to see the shape of the dragons. Most of them were SkyWings but there were two MudWings. One was wearing armor and the other was wearing nothing. Peril wasn't close enough to identify them but she felt like she knew both of them. 

"Peril?" the second MudWing called. I know that voice, Peril thought. Her heart started jumping around like a dragonet. But Peril had to remind herself that Clay betrayed her. Suddenly, her heart sunk like a scroll in water. 

"What do you want, Clay?" hissed Peril. Wow, that hurt me so much more than it hurt him, Peril thought sadly. Clay didn't wince. He didn't even flinch. 

"I just came to see if broke the bars yet," Clay whispered. Peril knew that she could easily leave this prison, but Clay's voice kept echoing in her head. He would say something like, I always knew that you were evil...I was just too naive to see it. Stupid voice, Peril growled. 

"Well, I've changed the past two years," she snapped. "I'm not Scarlet's psychopath murderer anymore," Peril fumed. 

"Sure," Clay said sarcastically. Peril winced. Clay was NEVER sarcastic with her. "I'll believe it when you stop killing innocent dragons," he hissed. 

"What do you mean? I haven't been killing dragons! I haven't killed dragons since I saved you from that stupid dragonbite viper," Peril growled, confused. What was Clay talking about? Peril hasn't killed in a WHILE. But Clay wouldn't say what he said unless it was true...was someone else out there? 

"Don't play dumb!" Clay shouted. "I examined the bodies! They have your talon prints all over them! Isn't that right, Turbulence?" Clay asked. A SkyWing with dark red scales and an orange undertone nodded his head. 

"I didn't kill anyone!" Peril cried. "If I did then I would NEVER show my face to you since I would be SO ashamed," Peril yelled. Clay stopped talking for a minute. His face showed a little regret. But then it was replaced with his angry face. Peril hated that face. She hated when Clay was angry and sad. She loved his happy face. His curious face. His oblivious face. His protective face. His empathic face. But she always hated when he was in pain. Right now it was a mix of both pain and anger. 

"Peril. You are going to stay here until...until..." Clay trailed off, turning his snout. "Crimson, you tell her...I don't think I can..." with that, Clay turned around and left Peril in that-that-that cage

"Clay!" Peril sobbed. "Clay!" she cried, steam rising from her eyes. 

"Every dragon that you killed will be one year so....eleven years," Crimson said without any sympathy or emotion. With that, all the dragons that were on the other side of the cell turned around and walked out, leaving Peril angry and heartbroken. 

Is this what a broken heart feels like, Peril thought as she paced again. Is this what Starflight felt when Sunny rejected him? Did he feel this unbearable pain? Did he feel the need to cry himself to sleep? Did he feel the need to fly around and shed tears? Did he feel the need to carve out his heart with his own claws so that he won't be able to feel this indescribable pain? Because I do, Peril thought, steam rising. Peril walked over to the small window that she had in her dim prisoner cell. Peril looked at the sky and saw all of the three moons full. Happy Hatching Day, Clay, Peril thought sadly. She then curled up into a ball and started crying like there was no tomorrow. 

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