Salvia Divinorum

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Talon steps echoed throughout the forest. Six dragonets raced through the tall trees while one flew in the sky so she doesn't set the forest on fire. Although, the idea wouldn't be so bad. If the Jade Winglet wanted to find Bear then setting the place on fire wouldn't be a bad idea. You know, since he would have to fly away to get out of the fire. 

However,  Winter doubted Sapphire or Moon would like it if Peril set the forest on fire. So, he was in a group with Sapphire, running around searching for the missing MudWing. As they ran through the forest, Sapphire kept looking at the trees. But something told Winter that she wasn't focusing on the trees. 

Concerned, Winter bumped his wing against hers. The warmth of her sandy wings sent a chill down his frosty spin. Sapphire's orange eyes stared deep into his blue ones. Although Sapphire's stance was normal, her eyes told him that she was thinking Bear was suspicious. "What's wrong?" he asked, not wanting to jump to conclusions. 

"Uh..." Sapphire trailed off. "Tired!" she shouted. 

He jumped back in surprise and frowned. "Geez, you definitely didn't scare the moons out of me!" Winter barked. Sapphire looked down to hide her guilt. The way her snout was pointed to the grass, Winter couldn't help but feel terrible. "Uh...sorry...I'm still kinda getting used to this nice business," he apologized. 

"It's fine," she whispered as she sat down. Once Sapphire was on the floor, she placed her tail in her hands nervously. She turned her head so he wouldn't see her crying. Well, it's a little too late for that, Winter thought. What am I thinking?! Sapphire obviously needs someone to hold her. Winter sat down next to her, his wings twitching with anticipation. But...what if...she figures out that I like her? 

Then Winter immediately thought of Qibli and Turtle. One of them would say something like, don't be a coward! Hold her! Let her know that you got her back. He shook the thought out of his head and hesitantly wrapped his wings around her. 

He felt her shiver once their scales made contact and a sudden pang of guilt hit his chest. But once those gorgeous eyes looked into his, Winter felt like all the problems of the world were gone. Sapphire scooted closer to him and laid her head on his broad shoulders. Winter never found himself as the nervous dragon in the group, he left that job for Turtle. But now, he was thinking of changing his job to lovesick dragon instead of the fierce warrior. 

"Winter..." Sapphire paused, "I have thought about the prophecy for a while now..." And there goes 'all the problems of the world are gone' feeling, Winter thought angrily. "Do you think Bear is the traitor?" 

"Well...maybe?" Winter said, shrugging. "Any dragon can be the traitor...moons, I can be the traitor!" 

Sapphire let out a small but REALLY cute laugh. What am I thinking? IceWings and SandWings don't fall in love! They don't become friends, Winter thought, ashamed. Then what is Qibli? Is he my friend? Of course! Then why can't she be my friend? "True, true," Sapphire laughed. 

"Who knows, maybe Kinkajou could be the traitor," Winter joked. He was starting to like this version of Sapphire and not the Sapphire that worried all the time. 

The beautiful hybrid let out a huge laugh and even snorted. Winter laughed along with her, not even bothering that Qibli, Moon, Turtle, and Kinkajou were walking towards them. Sapphire had this adorable laugh that just made him want to hug a panda. "We should probably stop laughing," Winter laughed, wiping a happy tear. 

Sapphire nodded but then looked at Winter. Suddenly she burst into giggles and so did Winter. What was wrong with them? Why were they laughing so much? "Remember that time when we fought and I walked away?" Sapphire asked, laughing. 

"YEAH!" Winter cried, laughing. "Remember the time when you were afraid of Moon?" Winter asked. Sapphire nodded, still laughing like a manic. 

They were laughing so hard that they started to hallucinate flying Scavengers and talking animals. But the two dragons didn't care. They just stood up and started dancing to whatever song that came into mind. They were having the best time of their lives that they didn't notice that they were being pulled away from each other. 

"Quick!" someone shouted. "Get them some water!" Two dragons rushed to go get some water. Winter, who was disoriented, didn't know where he was or who was protecting him. Some dragon stared Winter straight in the eye. 

"You look pretty," Winter hiccuped. 

The dragon started to chuckle and shake their head. "Sorry bro, I'm taken and I'm a guy," said the male dragon. He had pale yellow scales and black eyes. Where the moons am I? 

"Potato, Tomato," Winter grunted. "Or was it Potato, Mushroom?" Suddenly Winter started to laugh. "Potato, Mushroom!" he laughed. 

"Yeah, somebody bring Winter some water!" the SandWing ordered. Then a green dragon came and poured the bucket on Winter. "Not ON him!" groaned the SandWing. And that was the last thing he heard before he blacked out. 

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