Chapter 1 - Aurora

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AN - chapter 3 onwards is current/solo Harry, the story just starts a few years before that when the characters meet! 💜 And chapter 10 starts with the more mature content!

Hi! I haven't written a fanfic in so long, I couldn't even remember the login to my old account. But lockdown has me back on wattpad reading so many stories. So I just thought I'd create one of my own. It starts with young Harry, but not for long! I hope someone gets some enjoyment out of this! Thanks for reading if you do!
L x

March 10th 2013

The noise outside my window increases in what seems like seconds, I live with my mum in a flat above the cafe she owns , I'm currently at my desk doing homework, but the screams are too much to ignore, what on Earth is going on. I peer out the window that overlooks the street, shocked to find a crowd of about forty girls about my age crowding the pavement outside. Right where the door to the cafe is.

My brows crease with confusion, and then worry.

"Mum?" I call as I take the stairs two at a time, opening the doorway that lead into the cafe, "mum is everything okay?" I ask.

The first thing I notice is the man standing guard at the door, his hand on the lock, his eyes constantly scanning the crowd until he looks around and sees me, the look on his face surprises me, he looks like he wants to cry and rugby tackle me at the same time. That is when I glance around and see him sitting at a table in the corner, out of the view of the window, I knew who he was, of course I did, and now I understand.

It was fans outside. One direction fans, and Harry Styles was sitting at a table in my mums cafe, staring at me helplessly, as if I might pounce on him at any minute.

"...mum?" I call again, this time she appears from the kitchen, carrying a smoothie and a plate of sandwiches.

"Here you go, love." She says, setting it down on the edge of the table Harry is sitting at. "This is my daughter, sorry I forgot to mention she was upstairs." She tells him, giving him an apologetic look.

He nods, looking from her to me again, giving me a small smile, "hi, nice to meet you, I'm Harry."

I stop myself from telling him that I knew that, of course I knew that but he looks so uncomfortable and worn out that I just smile back, "I'm Aurora, it's nice to meet you too." I say gently, standing between the counter and the tables, rocking awkwardly on my heels, I was right in view of the windows, I could still hear the shrieking and the girls calling his name but now it was mixed with shouts and questions of how a girl got in here, which was me.


I shuffle towards the side of the cafe, away from the door and the windows, looking to my mum for some sort of explanation or for her to tell me what to do. Should I just go back upstairs? Leave them to it, surely he'll be gone any minute.

"There's been a bit of a... mob." He says, breaking the silence.

I nodded, I want to laugh a bit, but he probably wasn't finding this funny. "Yeah... I uh heard from upstairs, wasn't sure what was going on..." I say, "is...everyone okay?"

"Yeah...yeah, your mum very kindly closed the shop when there was a bit of a gathering, but it's gotten a bit bigger... my manager is trying to sort out a plan out." He says, nodding his head towards the big guy at the door who is now typing furiously on his phone. "This usually doesn't happen, like this... Belfast is fun Hmm?" He says, laughing now.

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