Chapter 65 - Aurora

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This story is so close to 60k reads, I still don't know how that's possible, but thank you so much for reading!

I stood at the door with Niall longer than I needed too, just chatting about anything I could think off, asking him about what he was working on and things like that, I think he understood why because he humoured me and chatted for about five minutes or so before I gratefully let him go.

I could sort of hear what was being said, Jeff asking Harry how he fixes this mess, and how annoyed he was for doing this to his public image.

I'm honestly so mad, at first I was upset and felt like I could burst out in tears, but now listening to what he's saying, I'm just angry.

I stomp back into the living room and look at Jeff and then Harry, who is speaking now

"It's not a mess that needs cleared up... I'm getting married." He says, "I proposed, it was real, this isn't something stupid that I've got myself into without thinking... I'm not a kid." He says, but his voice is low and almost unsure.

"How long have you been together? Like six months, I went along with the Grammy's thing, letting you bring her, but then you went and announced her as the love of your life or whatever, that's not something you do Harry... your whole thing is the mystery, the not really knowing... I'd set up with Kendall's team again, and you turned that down." He says shaking his head and pacing in our living room, he's actually pacing as if this is some major crisis we're in.

I watch Harry, who seems lost for words. Is he seriously not going to snap back and defend this? Defend us? Stand up for our engagement?

"I didn't want to do that..." he says, that's all he says.

I sigh and shake my head, both men turn to look at me, even Anne and Gemma look my way. I didn't realise I sighed so loudly.

"I'm not mad that people know..." I say quietly.

"Of course you're not." Jeff rolls his eyes, making my blood boil.

"I'm not mad because I saw how happy Harry was, and has been these last few weeks, it's not healthy to keep a relationship so secret, trying to be discreet when you're out together, it's not fair to anyone. Harry has been honest from the start of our relationship that he didn't want to do that anymore, he just wants a normal life, I'll support him no matter what, but I want that too." I say, I really am mad now.

I look at Harry, not giving Jeff any more of my time, I'm actually really pissed that Harry hasn't spoken up.  He's just staring at me.

I look down at the flower I'm still holding and walk to the kitchen, giving a little huff on my way, Jeff is replying to me, well to my back now, I'm not listening to anyone who's going to speak to me like a child.

"You don't understand his life..." I drown him out with hums, before I get really angry and start yelling at him.

I fill the last vase that we have, it's shaped like a watering can, I let the water fill half way up and then I arrange the flowers in it, taking my time putting each stem in individually, I don't want to go back out to the living room, it's the last thing I want to do.

"Is she pregnant or something?" I hear Jeff's voice, my jaw clenches, does he think that's the only reason Harry might be marry me?

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