Chapter 42 - Aurora

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"Well... fuck that was hot." I say as I lay next to him in my bed, still panting slight I turn on my side to face him, "I've never had sex in this bed before, or this room..."

"Mm me neither." He says and grins cheekily over at me.

I laugh and nod, "well I'd hope not!" I say and gently nudge his shoulder.

"Mmm now, how do I do the awkward run to the bathroom now? With my broken ankle?" He chuckles and immediately picks me up, carrying me quickly over to my bathroom. Setting me down just inside of the door.

"Show off!" I jokingly grin at him, but I'm actually really grateful.

He laughs and rolls his eyes, "you love it."

"Hm I do." I grin and close the door behind me and hobble to the loo.

I come back out a few minutes later hobbling back over to the bed, telling him that I'm fine to make it on my own, I don't need carried this time.

"Mm maybe we should try watching that movie now?" I grin at him when I settle back down beside him.

He laughs and nods, "Mhmm, with some clothes on, wouldn't want to give your mum a fright."

"I was thinking we could just stay in here. I have a TV." I grin and grab a blanket to throw over us, and then the remote, I shift myself, cuddling up close to him, I smile when he wraps his arm around my shoulder, he makes me feel so secure.

Both of us are almost asleep, lying so comfortably on my bed still a couple of hours later watching some netflix movie that we're not really paying attention to.

I jump up so quickly when my door handle turns to open, "wait!" I call out in a panic, Harry scrambling to his feet. Thankfully the handle stops and whoever is outside of the door stops their attempt to come in.

I look at Harry, the blush is creeping up my cheeks, I can feel the skin heat.

We both dress quickly, and then perch back on the bed as if nothing was going on.

"You can uh....come in?" I call out, I'm expecting my mum, but it's Emma I see when the door opens, wearing a shit eating grin.

"Don't..." I warn her, holding up my finger when she is just about to speak.

She giggles and stands in the doorway, "I just came by to drop off the shopping I picked up for you two, but... maybe Harry doesn't actually need the clothes..." she smirks and my cheeks flame.

"Ems! Shh!" I blurt.

Harry chuckles, "thanks Ems, I definitely need the clothes, honest." He grins, "I appreciate you grabbing them for me, too. Let me know how much I owe you..."

She looks at him, still smirking, "sure sure." She laughs, "I popped the receipts in the bag, it wasn't too much, nowhere near what you're used to spending I'm sure!" She says before she looks shocked, "shit, sorry I didn't mean it to come out like that... that was rude."

He laughs and shakes his head, "it's all good, I know what you meant..." he smiles, I could melt every time I look at that smile of his.

"We should go out to the couch, instead of you standing there." I say awkwardly and shuffle onto my feet.

"Mm yes, there's no way I'm ever sitting on that bed again." She grins playfully at me and I feel like I want to disappear.

"Oh god..." Harry chuckles, "you two go on, I'm going to go change in the bathroom, I know I washed my clothes but I'd really like something fresh on."

I nod and go with Emma to the living area, using my crutches to get myself over.

"How're you feeling?" She asks me.

"I'm doing good, we had a good sleep and a relaxing day, my ankle really hurts and the crutches are awful, but I'm really glad to be here..." I tell her.

She nods gently, giving my knee a squeeze, "so am I, I was so worried about you."

I nod, "I'm sorry for worrying you all... it was such a silly accident."

She nods, "Daniel is a dick, I'm so glad you kicked him to the curb. What he done was unbelievable. Complete psychopath behaviour..."

"He came by here today..."

"What? You're joking?" She gasps.

"Nope, bold as brass walled right over to me, my mum got rid of him before Harry whacked him." I tell her.

"Wow...what a fucking asshole. I'd love to have seen Harry hit him though." She laughs as shrugs her shoulders. "And what about Harry? You two are...?"

I nod and blush, "yeah... we talked and confessed a lot. I never really got over him, I'm sure you know that... I know it was only six weeks, but he's just... amazing." I gush.

She laughs and nods, "I know love, I approve. He flew over here when I contacted him, he was so worried and then he carried you down that mountain like fucking superman, Mike said he wouldn't give up, it was so hard to see and cold, but Harry wouldn't let him turn around, he said he couldn't believe that he actually found you..."

I can't help the smile on my lips, "he told me he wouldn't give up, that he knew he'd find me."

"Ugh! It sounds like a romance novel!" She jokes, "I'm so jealous, I want a Harry. Not actually him, but someone who cares about me, like he cares about you."

"You'll find him one day, babe..." I smile, "I never thought I'd have my Harry again..."

"Your Harry Hmm?" His voice makes me jump, he's right behind us, we didn't hear him come out of the bathroom or my room, so sneaky.

I laugh and yet again blush, I look up at him, he's dressed in skinny black jeans and a cream sweater type thing, he looks kind of different, but I really like it.

"Hmm I like it." He grins and pecks my lips as he sits down beside me, "all yours." He hums.

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