Thanks everyone that reads this story! I hope you enjoy this chapter (:
***I get changed back into the clothes I was wearing yesterday, after putting them through the washer and dryer, they were so dirty.
I really need to get some clothes somewhere for the next few days, I can't wear Ror's clothes, I'd try to but they would not fit, she's tiny."Mm do I still smell?" I grin at her, pretending to put my armpit close to her, she squeals and swats at me, pulling away.
"Stop that! I can't run away!" She giggles.
I chuckle and stand in front of her as she sits on the edge of the bed, I lean down and press my lips to hers, kissing her softly. I love the feel of her lips, I haven't kissed anyone since the last time I kissed her. Except for in the movie I was filming, but that doesn't count, it wasn't real. I made myself ignore all the advances and just focus on myself for a while, and truthfully she done a number on me and I didn't want anyone else, I never met anyone that I felt the same connection with.
Being able to kiss her again like this is pure bliss. I missed it, a lot.
She grins against my lips, I can feel her grin on my lips, it makes me grin back just as widely.
"I need to wash..." she mumbles, she stayed in bed longer while I sorted my clothes and got a shower, she contacted her work and let them know what was going on, thankfully they were nice about it, and told her they'd get a replacement until she was back on her feet, I know she felt some relief after that, I could tell she had been stressing about it.
I nod, "do you need any help?" I ask her.
"Em...probably? I don't know how I'm supposed to do this without getting the cast wet, I wish it was just a small break that they could have put a boot on... instead of this silly cast, it's so awkward." she sighs.
I nod, "I know love, but we'll make it work. Do you have plastic bags? We can cover it in them and then see what works best?"
"Mm not exactly environmentally friendly, but yes." She nods, "there'll be some in the bottom kitchen drawer."
I fetch them and help her cover the cast as best we can, trying not to rip them so that we don't waste them, she's right, plastic wastage like this is awful.
"Maybe a bath would be better? You could keep your leg outside of it? On the edge of the tub?"
She looks at me like I'm an absolute idiot, but then she nods.
"That sounds like it would work, but how am I supposed to get in to do that? Without breaking my other leg?" She laughs.
"Come on, you're flexible! We'll make it work." I grin and she swats at me again.
"Get your mind out of the gutter." She says.
"It's not in the gutter, it's in the bath, the complete opposite really." I chuckle and move out of her way as she tries to swat at me again. "I'll help you, come on, we'll get you in and then put the water on, yeah? That way we can position your leg before it has the chance to get wet."
"In theory yes, but... I will be completely naked. Are we really at that stage yet?"
"Well...I've seen it all before, and... I'm just helping, I swear. If you wanted you could keep your undies on?" I suggest, I really don't want to make her uncomfortable, but I want to help.
She shakes her head, "no, I need a proper wash. I just...don't want you to feel weird, or anything... like I'm seducing you or something." She says and then she laughs, I'm pretty sure we both picture us trying to make it work and it doesn't look particularly seductive honestly, I'm honestly picturing it being hilarious rather than sexy, but she is super hot, I know how hot she looks naked.
"I do not think that, dong worry love. I'm here to help, that's all." I tell her, "come on, we'll make it work."
She nods and we both go into the bathroom, she gets undressed sat on the toilet lid, I toss her clothes into the wash basket once she's done and then I help her into the bath, trying to lower her in, but with her leg outside of the tub, balancing on the edge.
She squeals when she sits down, "Ugh, oh gosh it's cold!"
I chuckle at her, "sorry love, do you want me to fill the bath up? Or use the shower?"
"Hmm..." she thinks, "maybe the shower would be better? It definitely seems easier."
I nod, "the shower it is." I say and grab it down from the holder, I turn it on pointed away from her while I make sure the temperature is okay. Once it's sorted I hold it over her and hand her the soap, letting her wash, I try not to look too much, I don't want to make her feel embarrassed. I look at her cast as it's directly below me, and just focus on that.
We do her hair last, I squeeze out the shampoo and conditioner and let her rub it in and then we rinse it all off. We manage everything without getting the cast wet at all, once we're done I help her out and into a towel.
"Thank you so much for that. I feel so much better." She says, "you're really sweet for doing that."
"I'm glad I could help, and I'm glad it has you feeling a bit better. I'll leave you to get dried? Are you okay?"
She nods, "yes, I'll be fine thank you."
I nod and wait out in the living room for her, I scroll through my emails, flagging a few that I need to reply to. She comes out about ten minutes later, dressed in a pair of pink shorts, Lycra shorts that hug every curvy and a baggy cropped jumper, she looks hot.
Even though she was literally just naked in the shower in front of me I can't stop staring at her now, she looks incredible.
"Are you okay?" She asks me, hobbling towards the couch on her crutches.
"Uh yeah... you just look really good." I tell her and end up chuckling a bit, I sound ridiculous.
"Thank you." She giggles, "you didn't stare this much when I was naked."
"I was being a gentleman." I grin at her.
"Mm well you didn't really well, I appreciate that honestly." She smiles.
I nod, "I'm glad... and I appreciate those shorts." I say cheekily.

More Than A Melody (H.S)
FanfictionAt sixteen years old Aurora Wilson spent a few hours in her mother's cafe, with a trapped Harry Styles, his fans almost busting down the door to get his attention, but he didn't seem to want to give it to them, just her. It's every girls dream, righ...