Chapter 16 - Aurora

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I call my mum later that afternoon as I stand at the kitchen window, wearing my leggings and one of Harry's shirts. The snow is still falling heavily outside, all of the snow we disturbed with our footprints and snowball fight has been replaced, laying even thicker than before. Our snowman has an extra layer of snow on him too, I think he might disappear if it continues falling as heavily as this. Poor guy, all that effort and he might be gone soon.

"Are you going to stay there today? And tonight again?" My mum asks as we chat about the snow, and about how I might not be able to get home, there's an Amber weather warning lot.

"I...don't know yet." I tell her honestly, tracing my finger over the window, the condensation making a pattern. I draw a little snowman on the window, matching the one outside.

"I think you should, love. We haven't had snow this heavy in years, it's even thick here, I can't imagine how thick it is in Newcastle, I don't want you taking any risks on those roads, you know what it's like when it freezes over, and the gritters haven't been out yet, it was so sudden."

"But I'm supposed to be in work tomorrow..." I say, with a heavy sigh, it's Monday tomorrow, I'm due in the morning, at the office.

"I'm closing the shop tomorrow, schools are all called off. I don't think they'd expect you to go in to the office." She explains.

I nod, "I guess that's true... but I can't just stay here uninvited, I'd feel bad just lumping myself on Harry when he probably wants to be alone and have the place to himself, that's why he came here in the first place." I say, keeping my voice quiet.

"Well... he did ask you to stay last night, maybe he won't mind an extra night or so..." she says.

"Maybe... I'll let you know what I'm doing." I tell her.

"Okay, love. Just be safe and please don't drive if it's unsafe, hopefully the snow won't last for too long. Stay warm too!" She says in her motherly way.

"Thanks mum, I will, love you. You stay safe too, don't go out in the snow." I say before we hang up.

I startle slightly when I turn around, noticing Harry by the doorway, "hey... you know you can stay here, right? I'd never ask you to leave and drive home in that..." he says, "sorry I just overheard you when I came to get some water." He adds.

I nod, "are you sure? I feel like a bit of a gatecrasher. The snow was a bit of a surprise Hm?" I laugh lightly as I say that.

"You're not, at all. Honestly. I would never expect you to drive home in that, and I like having you here." He says, with a smile so genuine that it makes me smile right back.

"Thank you..." I say nodding, "I'm really loving being here. It's so nice..."

He nods, "that makes two of us..." he hums.

"Did you talk to your mum?" I ask.

"Yeah, we talked for a bit."

He told me he calls her almost everyday, I find that so sweet, he's planning on calling her everyday he hears, to let her know she's okay, understandably she was a bit worried when he told her that he was taking off, going to find somewhere quiet to just hideout.

"That's sweet." I tell him.

"She says you're very kind for helping me, and for keeping me company. She says thanks, gif taking care of me..." He says and I can feel my cheeks heat up as he laugh gently.

"You told her about me...?" I ask him, surprised by that.

"Yes." He nods and notices my blush, "I left out the sex part..." he adds and smirks, laughing over at me.

I blush even more, my cheeks burning.

"I uh... imagined so." I say giggling shyly, glancing down at the kitchen tiles under my feet. We hadn't really mentioned the sex, he'd kissed me in the snow earlier but I had no clue what was happening, it was all a bit strange.

"Oh yeah did you?" He smirks.

"Well I assumed so... that might be a bit much for a Sunday afternoon phone call." I joke.

"Hmm maybe, she might not want to hear about hot drunken sex that her son was having..."

"Mm maybe not. And hot Hmm?" I wiggle my eyebrows playfully at him.

"Yes, I'd like to think so... wouldn't you agree?"

"I would. It was very hot, it was great honestly." I say matter of factly.

"I'm glad you think so, so if it happened again you wouldn't protest...?" He asks me, his own eyebrows wiggling now, I can feel my tummy flutter slightly at that thought, we're not even drunk now, and he's admitting he'd want to do it again.

"I wouldn't... I wouldn't protest at all..."

"Mm well then, that's good to know." He says as he opens the fridge and takes a bottle of water off the shelf, not taking his eyes off me the entire time.

My body shivers all over, under his gaze, I try not to let my reaction show, but I'm pretty sure he can tell.

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