Chapter 23 - Harry

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Hi! Here's another chapter, I've switched to Harry's POV, let me know if you like it or not!
Lx ***


I fucked up.

I fucked up big time.

I spent nearly all of yesterday before Ror arrived on the phone to my manager, who I'd been avoiding for weeks. He'd been threatening to track my location, and then he'd been threatening to drop me if I didn't come back instantly but honestly I wasn't worried about that, I hadn't told him about her but I was going to.

And then last night, I couldn't sleep. I was just lying in bed looking at her and I realised how attached I was becoming, and how much I wanted to stay there with her, forever.

But I can't do that, and I can't expect her to understand my life and fit into it.

I'm rarely in the same place for longer than a week, constant travelling and constantly working, Jeff has arranged for the movie that I abruptly dropped out of to have me back, but only if I can get there to film now, I told him no, that I'd already turned it down, but of course he'd already said yes on by behalf.

I have a good reputation in my job, I always try my best to treat people to the highest standards, and this... well it makes me look bad and Jeff knew that.

I lay awake all of last night and then I just made the decision, I got up, I packed everything and I left, writing the note and taking Auroras things out of the back of my car killed me, that wasn't treating her with the highest standards, but I didn't know what to do anymore.

Talked to her, I think. That's what I could have done.

I'm a fucking asshole.

I drop the car back off at the place I rented it from and deposit the keys and a note into the slot before I call myself a taxi to take me to the airport.

I keep checking the time on my phone, wondering if she's awake yet, or if her alarm at 7am will wake her, I keep thinking about what she'll think when she finds that I'm gone, I Dan feel tears form in my eyes, I blink rapidly to clear them.

My phone buzzes, a call. I expect it to be her, but it's Jeff, again.

"I'm coming, I'm on my way to the fucking airport!" I snap at him, and then I hang up and put my phone on do not disturb mode, I'd switch it off completely but I need my ticket to get through security, and then I'll turn it off.

This is the worst I've ever felt, I thought when I got here I felt bad, but this is ten times worse, I feel hollow, like my heart has just completely gone, and my brain too. I'm an idiot and I know it, but what else can I do other than get on with it? This is life.

I call my mum when I get through security, I've already been spotted and had to take pictures with a family, after six weeks of anonymity it felt strange and I knew I wasn't as pleasant as I could have been, but I managed a smile and a signature, I walk to the bathroom while I wait for her to pick up, I close myself in a stall and am just about to hang up when she speaks on the other end.

"Hello? Harry?" It's obvious I've woken her up.

"Hey mum... sorry I called so early."

"That's okay love, are you alright? Are you hitting the road now?" She asks me, I sigh sadly. She knows all about the road trip that was planned for this week.

"No... I'm actually at the airport. I'm going back to LA..."

"Oh, why? Is everything okay love?"

"Not...really." I sigh and then I tell her everything, about the pressure I felt and the overwhelming feeling of needing to please everyone, which was the reason I came here to hideout in the first place, I tell her about what Jeff said and how I don't want to let people down so I'll be going to film the movie, starting tomorrow.

"Harry..." she says, I can hear the hint of disappointment in her voice.

"I know mum." Is all I reply, I don't need her to tell he I fucked up, I'm well aware.

"What did Aurora say?"

I wince when she asks.


"I...left her a note. I don't know."

"You didn't speak to her? Where is she now?"

"I don't know, I left early. She was still asleep." I tell her, miserably.

"Oh Harry."

"I know, you don't need to say it. But it's too late now."

"It's not too late love..." her voice is soft and gentle, even with how disappointed she is.

"It really is mum, I'm due on set tomorrow and she's probably got the note by now... I've screwed everything up, I just... I didn't know what to do."

"I understand, son. I'm sorry you're feeling all of this but... that poor girl, Harry. You could still fix this if you explained things to her..."

"No, ages better without me." I sigh, "I have to go mum, my flights boarding. I love you." I say quickly, I barely hear what she says then because I quickly hang up.

I turn my phone off, and throw it into my bag.

When I exit the bathroom I spot the girls who have obviously spotted me and waited, there's a small crowd, I suddenly feel like I might not be able to breathe, I smile as nicely as I can as I tell them I'm really sorry but I have to go and then I hurry as fast as I can to get to the gate my flight is boarding from.

I breathe a sigh of relief when I get onto the plane and claim my seat, I politely refuse any drinks and then I tuck my head into my chest and I fall asleep, hugging my hoody to myself, a hoody that smells greatly of Aurora.

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