Chapter 7 - Aurora

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Hey! Thanks for anyone that's reading! Hopefully it's getting a little more interesting! I didn't want to rush anything between them! If you read, please leave a comment, that would be so great! (:

We start up the path into the forest that leads to the mountain paths, this is one of my favourite parts, it's quite steep at first until you hit the river, there's more of a path further up but I love following the river, it's a small river that you can walk along the sides off.

"Is the river path okay?" I ask him, after we walk alongside of it for a little while.

"Yeah, yeah this is nice. Is there a lot of paths?" He asks me.

"Yeah, there's a few... this one is more of an adventure." I laugh, "this is the one we usually take, we've had a fair few mishaps though, people falling in... well more like stepping in, it's not very deep." I laugh.

"Oh dear, let's not jinx anything..." he chuckles.

"My friends daughter slid down the river bank the last time we were here, she stood on a tree branch and it broke, she had a muddy butt for the rest of the walk, she was furious..." I laughed, "I gave her my jacket to tie around her, bless."

"That's sweet, you're very kind..."

"Well I do try." I say jokingly, a grin spread on my lips.

"What about you? Have you ever fallen over?" He asks.

"Nope... not here. I've fallen over many many times elsewhere though..."

"Oh haven't we all." He chuckles, "at least there's no video evidence of your falls... is there?"

"Not to my knowledge, thank god. Why is there video evidence of you?" I query, looking down at my feet, watching my steps. Now might possibly be the worst time to slip and fall.

"Yeah there's loads, I've fallen on stage... a couple of times. There's videos, photos, memes..." I can't help but snicker, I'm pretty sure I've seen at least one of those videos, I feel bad as I try to conceal my giggles.

"Sorry... I'm sure you look graceful still..." I say playfully, glancing back at him, he was about a step or two behind me, letting me fully lead the way, which I will admit did make me a little anxious, but I also liked it. The mountains made me feel so free and relaxed.

By the time we got all the way the river and to the base of the first part of the climb I was feeling a bit warmer, and stickier. I opened the zip of my jacket and welcome the chilly breeze that swept inside, no matter how cold it was, you'd still work up a sweat on this hike, however it was important to still keep some layers in, no matter how warm and sweaty you got, the weather can really mess with your body. I had gloves and a hat on too, I hated cold hands.

We carried on for another while, getting to a hilly area with some sheep spread out over it, just happily grazing, they were on the other side of a large drop, I'd never seen them close to the walking paths.

"Oh wow cool." I hear Harry say from just behind me, I turn and smile at him, we take this as our first little break, there's big rocks at the sides of the path, that you have to walk over at times, they make good seats though. We both sit in one and take out our water, I can't help but look around in awe, the scenery is just so beautiful, even in a cold day.

"How are you finding it?" I ask him, he looks at ease, less tired than I am, and I imagine much less red in the face.

"It's good, a really nice hike. The views are already incredible."

I nod, agreeing with him, he's not wrong there.

"How much further to the top?"

"Hmm..." I glance around, this is usually where we stop for a snack or sometimes to eat lunch, there's a clearing near by perfect for a picnic blanket. "We're about halfway to the wall, and then you just follow the wall up to the peak, that's the steepest part. So just about half way I'd say." I tell him and he nods, his face wearing an easy smile.

He slips his phone from his backpack, points it at the other side where the sheep are and takes a few pictures, I watch him and smile, I get really happy when someone appreciates these mountains as much as I do. He takes out a cereal bar next, and reaches over to hand it to me, while he pulls another one from the sand pocket. I smile as I take it from him, it's a protein bar, not a cereal bar. We both eat and drink from our water, taking a good ten or so minute rest.

When we stand up to start off again I can feel my legs are a little bit tight, but nothing that hurts or anything, just that good muscle ache when you've been working them hard.

It takes us about an hour or just over it after that to reach the top, I'm really impressed honestly, this might be the quickest I've ever got to the peak, I inwardly give myself a massive pat on the back. We passed on a few people on our way up, they were on their way back down, we exchanged polite greetings but they just carried on, and now we have the peak to ourselves. It's a little bit cloudy and hard to see, you can see clouds below, it's a surreal feeling to literally be above the clouds, I love it.

"Wow... this is stunning. Thanks for coming with me today. I never would have done this alone." Harry says looking at me now, taking a moment away from the views.

I smile and nod, "you're so welcome, I'm really glad you asked. It's been too long since I've been up here, it's been so nice." I tell him.

"It really has, and your expertise made for a great climb?" He chuckles lightly.

I blush and smile and tell him I'm not an expert, he just laughs and gets his phone again, taking more pictures. I join him this time, snapping some on my own phone.

"Selfie?" I hear him say and laugh, I blush and think he's asking if I'm taking one, I'm about to tell him I'm not, but when I look at him he's holding his phone out and moving closer to me. My cheeks are so red when I see myself in his phone screen, but I push those thoughts aside and just smile, so happily. He takes a couple and then put his phone away.

"Back to ground level?"

I laugh and nod, "yeah, back down we go."

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