Chapter 19 - Aurora

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The snow is still thick on the ground the next day, so I do end up staying another day. I have to do a bit of work in the morning time, just some orders and things that I can do without being in the office.

Harry sits quietly by the window with a notebook on his lap, I try to work as quietly as I can, I take myself to the kitchen to make a few phone calls to suppliers. I finish up just before lunch and make us some sandwiches, his is tuna and I make myself a cheese one, he's running out off supplies and will definitely need to go shopping quite soon.

"Here you go." I smile as I present him with the sandwich, I noticed him startle a bit, he must have been so engrossed in whatever he was writing.

"Oh, thank you babe." He smiled and takes it from me, he puts his notebook down to eat.

I feel a few flutters in my tummy when he called me babe, I never usually have this reaction to guys, but wow he just does something to me.

"You're welcome, Harry." I smile and sit to eat mine, I tell him I'm finished with work but he can continue with whatever he was doing and I could just relax while he does.

He shakes his head, "I'm a bit stuck honestly." He tells me.

"Yeah? What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Trying to finish a song." He tells me.

"Ah." I say nodding.

We both finish our sandwiches quietly, he takes our dishes to the kitchen.

"Do you want to help me?" He asks when he comes back and sits on the window seat again.

"Help you? With what? Writing a song?" I question.

"Yeah." He says simply and nods.

"I...don't think I'm qualified for that." I laugh lightly.

"You don't have to be qualified, but maybe you'll have an idea, or figure out something it's missing...?"

I shrug, "okay... I'll give it a go." I say.

He hands me the notebook and I take a minute to read it, it's kind of all over the place, "this seems really good..." I hum, reading over it again.

"Maybe you could add 'Wish I could get to know you' after the 'let me inside' line? Like I assume the sunflower represents a flower, maybe adding that would sound less sexual?" I giggle, "only if it fits of course, it's your song..." I say shyly, realising I am obviously no good at this and he is.

"Oh let me see?" He says, I hand the notebook back and feel mortified that I even said anything never mind add a line to a song, shit he probably thinks I'm an idiot.

"Hmm." He hums, I don't even look up at home, I just stare down at my lap, like it's the most interesting thing in the world.

"Yeah... I like that. In the first verse yeah?" He asks.

I look up then and nod, "yeah but... maybe it won't work, I'm probably just being silly. It's your song."

"No, no I like it, this is like the sixth time I've tried writing this song..." he says.

"Sunflower volume 6 Hmm?" I giggle, "it seems really good to me..." I say as he scribbles something else now, he grins and turns the boom towards me, he's written 'sunflower vol6' at the top where the title would go.

"That's cute." I say smiling.

"It is." He grins, "what about adding that line at this verse too, after 'let me inside?' on that one too?" He asks and points it out.

I nod, "what about 'I wanna get to know you...' at that one?" I suggest, feeling slightly less weird about suggesting it, he seems to agree and scribbles it down, holding it up to read it all through, "I like this..." he says almost to himself.

"Do you play any instruments?" He asks me.

I shake my head, "no... I tried to learn piano when I was younger but I didn't stick to it. Do you play?"

He nods, "yeah, I do and some guitar and drums..."

"Talented." I smile.

He laughs bashfully, "I love that side of music, being able to play adds something to singing and songwriting."

"Yeah... I can imagine."

"Do you want to here the melody I had for this? I wrote it a while back and have been trying to get the lyrics right... I think you might have cracked it." He says, and once again I'm blushing.

I nod, "I'd love to hear..."

He takes out his phone and plays me a song, it's gorgeous, it's just piano, but I love the sound. He plays it through once and then starts it again, humming and singing the lyrics, kind of mumbled but I can make them out, and even like this the song sounds good.

"That's...really good." I tell him, "you wrote and played all of that yourself?"

He nods, "yeah I came up with the melody in a writing session, but I've just toyed with the lyrics since..."

"It sounds good, I'm seriously impressed. You've got such an amazing talent."

He blushes at that, I can see his cheeks turn pink, only slightly, but it's definitely there, "thank you, that's very kind of you. It's something I really enjoy..."

I nod, "and you're brilliant at." I grin.

"Well you helped with that one! I think you should add song writer to your resume!"

I laugh and nod, "I think I will!" I joke.

He keeps scribbling in his little book, his head tucked into his work, I just sit quietly and watch him, smiling to myself, I glance over and he's re-written the song out, neatly with no scribbles this time, with the title at the top, I can't help but feel a little squeeze of pride, this is not how I expected to spend my day at all.

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