I can't believe I'm nearly at 30 chapters! That's crazy! Here's a chapter from Harry's POV, I know he sounds a bit childish and desperate at times, but I wanted it like that! Ha! Incase you're wondering!
Enjoy! Lx
I get an notification from Instagram early one morning, I'm up and in the gym, just finishing a workout when I see it on my Apple Watch, I only get notifications from my private account, I think my phone would break if I got them through from my main account.
I feel like a teenager getting this excited, but it could be her... I haven't posted anything to get a notification from anyone else.
I make myself finish my stretches before I check.
It is her.
'AuroraW has accepted your follow request.'
I sit down on the weight bench and scroll through her profile, she has nearly 400 posts, I can't remember how many she had before she turned to private and I could no longer see posts from her when I came on to look.
I scroll through her photos, the most recent ones are from New York, snaps of her and her friend in various locations, before that are photos from Christmas, I recognise her mum in a couple of them, she doesn't post often, she isn't the type to post just for the sake of it.
She hasn't followed me back, she's just accepted me, giving me a glimpse into her life, without wanting a glimpse into mine.
I don't know what that means.
I keep scrolling through her pictures, there's a selfie from a few months back, I can't help but smile as Aurora smiles back at me. She is so beautiful.
I instantly hit the like button, I feel such a big kid, but I just can't help myself. I go back to the photos from New York and like them too, I really want to comment on them, but I'm already acting a bit juvenile so I don't.
I check her story then, it was from a lot of hours ago, of her and her friend, Emma I see her name is from the tag, it's them at the airport getting ready to board the plane, and then a snap from the plane, of their meal, the little plastic tray, which is really that nice, I would have paid for her to travel first class.
That probably makes me sound like an asshole, but she deserves the best.
What is going on with me? With my thoughts, I feel... strange. Not like myself, like a lovesick puppy.
I put my phone in my pocket when I leave the gym to go back up to my apartment, I start to feel silly for liking her pictures, does it look weird to her? Will she be annoyed and regret accepting my request, maybe she even did it accidentally.
But when I look at my phone again after a quick shower I have a follow request, from her. Shes followed me back, I immediately open the app and check her profile again, nothing is new. She hasn't liked any of my pictures, but still following me back is something.
I settle down into the couch and do another scroll through her profile before I take the plunge and open up a message to her.
'Hi x' short and simple, and already sent, no way to take it back now.
Her reply comes straight away, which really surprises me.
'Hi.' No x but that's okay.
'How are you? How was your trip? X'
"I'm fine. It was great.' I read her message a few times, trying to decide how to reply, her replies are a little clipped, but she's still replying and hasn't told me to fuck off.
'Did you enjoy the shows? Which one was your favourite? X' she put up a post about all of the musicals that they went to see, it looked fun.
'They were great, mean girls was my favourite.'
'Cool, I'd love to see that, and legally blonde... did you do anything else nice? X'
'We did lots of things, shopping and stuff too.'
I want to keep this conversation going for hours and hours, but I don't want to piss her off so I give her a few minutes before I open my phone again to reply.
'I'm sure you got lots, the shopping is pretty good in New York, and the restaurants too :) would you like to go back? X'
'I'd love to go back someday. It was fun.'
'I'm glad you had a good time, do you have any jet lag from the travelling? X' I ask her, keeping it casual.
'Not really, I'm okay actually. Which is good!'
'That is good, I hate jet lag, it's the worst. X'
'I haven't been anywhere else to get it so I can't really comment.'
'That's true, maybe one day on your travels! Do you have any more travel plans? X'
Please keep answering me, don't get annoyed. I inwardly chant to myself.
'Not really, me and my friends would like to go somewhere in the summer, maybe Greece or Spain... New York was extensive though so it depends how much I can save I guess.'
'That's true, hopefully you can get away with your friends... So, how have you been? X' I ask her.
'I've been fine, just normal and usual.' I don't miss that she's simply answering me and isn't really engaging in conversation, it's not great but I'm so glad she is talking to me, I want to keep talking to her.
'That's good, do you still work in the same place and stuff? X'
'No, I actually teach dance classes more now, adults and kids, and then I help my friend with her business, no more office job!'
'That's amazing Ror, I'm sure you love it! You're so good. X'
'You've barely seen me dance and never watched me teach, I don't think you know that.'
Shit, I started off to strongly, too familiar, I hate this, tiptoeing around, I'm so afraid that she's going to block me and this will be all over in a heartbeat.

More Than A Melody (H.S)
FanfictionAt sixteen years old Aurora Wilson spent a few hours in her mother's cafe, with a trapped Harry Styles, his fans almost busting down the door to get his attention, but he didn't seem to want to give it to them, just her. It's every girls dream, righ...