Hi! Thank you for those reading! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Leave a comment if you do give it a read! I would love that! ☺️
****By the time we watched the whole episode we had downed the entire bottle of wine, anytime my glass got even slightly close to being finished Harry filled it right back up again. I was definitely feeling giddy, my insides warm and I was smiling constantly.
"Oh gosh, I don't think I can drink anymore wine." I laugh when he suggests opening another bottle.
He looks at me with a thoughtful expression, "cocktails then?" the smirk on his lips is so mischievous, I can't say no, I find myself nodding at him, excitedly asking what kind of cocktails he's got.
"I'll have to make them, I love Pina Coladas, I got a bit over excited in the shops this morning, I bought the ingredients, there's a blender here, so I just thought I might as well.
"They're my favourite." I grin, "As long as they're made right." I joke with him, watching the mock shock expression play on his lips.
"I will have you know that I am a pro cocktail maker, they will be the best drinks you have ever had." he says, looking at me so seriously, I just have to laugh.
"Well I can not wait then, for the best pina colada I have ever tasted, my expectations are high."
He exceeded those expectations, the drinks were amazing, we had so many and were no longer just tipsy, I was drunk, and so was he. We put the TV onto a youtube setting, finding cheesy songs to sing along to, very impromptu karaoke, singing along with Harry Styles is not something I thought I would ever do, but I was having the time of my life. I didn't even care that I sounded horrendous, my voice in no way a match for his.
We sang along to Cher and Abba, finding out we had a lot of musical tastes in common, our current sing along involved Fleetwood Mac, my favourite band of all time, and apparently his. Although I've just realised he is actually friends with Stevie Nicks and my jealousy is bubbling up, he's sang with her, not that I would ever want to, with a voice like mine. But, wow I love her.
"You're so fucking lucky!" I yell at him, for some reason when I'm drunk I shout, my voice gets so loud.
"I am!" he yells back, "I know, I'm a lucky motherfucker!"
"Motherfucker! ha! But yes! You are, she must be amazing."
"She is, she's the best. I'll introduce you sometime!"
"Do not joke." I tell him, putting my hand on my heart.
"I'm not, I'll make you a promise, I don't break promises not even drunk ones."
Being drunk in a random house in Newcastle with Harry Styles is quite possibly the highlight of my year, or my life honestly. It might be all of the booze talking but it's just wonderful. We're still listening to music, an old High School Musical song on now, we're not singing anymore though, I think I've cracked my voice box, and my head hurts now if I sing or speak too loudly, we're both whispering to each other, it's so silly, but we're finding it very fun.
I'm also making him whisper, because no one wants to be responsible for ruining Harry Styles voice, could you imagine?
"We should go into the ocean! Skinny dip! Your first time!" He yells then as a shush him, laughing loudly.
"Nooooooo. No way. We're so drunk!"
He stops and looks at me with his hand on his hips, a serious face on, a thinking face. "You are so right! How are you so sensible even when you're smashed?!"
"It's a talent, my only talent." I grin.
"No no, you have loads of talents, I saw your dancing just now. That's a talent."
Even in my drunken state I manage to blush, my cheeks feel hot, burning as he looks at me.
"Show me your dance moves!" I grin, "I want to see you dance."
"I'm not a dancer! I don't dance on demand. Am I a monkey?" He grins and wiggles his hips.
"More more more!" I giggle, flopping backwards onto the sofa, looking up at him.
He grins at me and then starts to dance, his hips moving, his arms doing some moves, his legs are all over the place, but oh my goodness he still looks good. I watch him, my eyes not moving from him.
"Woo!" I hoot, "More!" I giggle and then he's pulling me up, wrapping his arms around my waist and then we're swaying all over the place, it's messy but it's fun. I wrap my arms around his neck and twirl us around, this type of dancing does not match the Backstreet Boys playing through the speakers, but we don't care.
I can feel his hands, like they're all over my body. We're so close, our body's pressed together while we dance.
Dancing, swaying, jumping, spinning... it all eventually turns into to falling, down and down, clumsily until we land in a heap on the sofa, thankfully the cushions have broken out fall, however Harry has broken most of mine, I'm on top of him, looking down at him as we laugh like we haven't a care in the world.
And then he stops laughing.
He looks up a me, with a serious look all over his features.
And then his hand is on my cheek, brushing his fingertips over my skin so gently, I don't know how he can be so gentle in his drunken state.
He's not gentle now though, he grabs my neck and pulls me forward and kisses me, without any gentleness, he kisses me hard, his tongue has already found it's way into my mouth, I don't stop him.
His mouth on mine feels electric, I press my hands against his chest, I can feel hard muscles under my fingertips, and then against my body as he crushes me too him, our kiss lasts forever, neither of us stop until we need air, we need to fill our lungs, just to continue again.
This isn't me, I push that thought back, who cares. Have fun, right now in this moment, this feels good, he feels good, I feel good.
He grabs my bum, and then my thighs, I only notice we're upright when the blood rushes back to my head, he's holding under my bum, my legs wrapped around his waist, he's moving through the living room, his movements are clumsy because he's still kissing me, he isn't looking.
He stoops at the bottom of the stairs and then he starts to climb them, with his mouth still attached to mine.
We're going upstairs....

More Than A Melody (H.S)
FanfictionAt sixteen years old Aurora Wilson spent a few hours in her mother's cafe, with a trapped Harry Styles, his fans almost busting down the door to get his attention, but he didn't seem to want to give it to them, just her. It's every girls dream, righ...