Chapter 4 - Aurora

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'I'm in the black mini and the pick up point, when your ready.' I hit send and look to my side, there isn't that many people waiting at the pick up point, there's a man sitting on the bench with a brief case at his feet and nose buried in his phone. There's a taxi pulled over in front of me, most likely waiting to get lucky a snag a customer for an overpriced journey from here.

I watch people heading along the path to the front entrance, carrying bags over their shoulders or pulling cases along behind them, I'm a bit jealous of them, I would love to be heading away somewhere.

My thoughts are interrupted when I see him, all I can think is, oh my god it really is him, if I wasn't expecting him or looking for him I don't think I would even recognise him, he's wearing light grey sweats and a black hoody with a black beanie over his head, there's sunglasses tucked into his hoody and he's carrying a large brown bag over his shoulder.

My heartbeat picks up every so slightly as I watch him walk towards my car, getting closer and closer until he can see me, he smiles a little and comes over, he opens up the passenger door and squeezes in, I immediately inwardly grimace, I should have pushed the seat back, the last person that was in my passenger seat was not as tall as him, he does it himself though, he slides the seat back and tucks his bag at his feet, I almost tell him to put it in the boot but I don't want him to have to get out again.

"Um hey... thanks for this." He says, his voice is so smooth and deep, it sounds slightly different to when he was on the phone.

I nod and smile, "hi... that's okay." I tell him politely, I don't know what to say now, or do. I haven't had a chance to look up airbnbs for him, I glance over at him and find him looking right back at me, I get a look at his eyes and I can tell he's definitely had a drink, like he said. I'd say more than one, but he doesn't seem sloppy, but his eyes are a bit dilated, and I can smell the faint smell of alcohol, not overpowering for it to be gross.

"It's not okay at all, I'm being an inconvenience, I am sorry... I just hasn't planned anything..." he tells me, I want to ask him if everything is okay, if he's alright but I don't, that is none of my business.

"Do you want anything to eat? There's a McDonald's close by? We could have a look for somewhere to stay? Or... if you want something better there's some restaurants?"

"McDonald's is fine... thank you." He says and bobs his head forward as he nods at me.

"Okay, perfect... I'll head there." I say and pull out of the pick up area, driving to the exit and joining the main road again, I'm so conscious of my driving now, it's almost like I can feel him watching me, ready to judge my every move, I doubt that's really what's going on in his head, but it's all I can imagine.

He nods when I suggest the drivethru so I go straight there, joining the short queue of traffic, "what would you like?" I asked him, turning slightly to face him as we wait.

"A black coffee and some fries." He tells me, I nod and order that along with a smoothie and some chicken nuggets for me, I'm so hungry after work, I don't ever eat lunch so that I can leave earlier, I always just eat at home.

I drive up to the next window and pay with my card, just swiping it in the machine, I feel him look round when he hears it dinging.

"Sorry... I should have got that." He says sheepishly.

I shake my head, "it's all good..." I tell him, waiting for our order now. I park right at the back of the carpark once we have it, turning off the car, I smile softly at him as I give him the fries, the drinks already in the cup holders.

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