Chapter 46 - Aurora

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We stay at Anne's for three nights, Harry shows me around the place he grew up, his schools, the bakery he worked at where we got the best cupcakes and the ladies all fawned over him, it was so funny. I met a few other members of his family, his aunts and cousins and couple of childhood friends, it was a lot to throw into a few days but I loved it. Getting to know a little bit more of him was so good.

We're leaving this afternoon to drive to London, I'm honestly kind of sad to leave, I get along so well with his mum, she's so lovely. But we're going to meet up with his sister and her boyfriend while we're there, which will be really nice.

And, I can't wait to see his house in London, I'm excited about that.

"Ready to hit the road, babe?" Harry smiles at me when he comes back from taking our bags out to the car.

I nod at him. "yes, I'm ready."

I smile at Anne, "thank you so much for having me these last few days, it's been so lovely." I tell her.

She smiles warmly at me and holds out her arms for a hug, "oh darling, it's been so nice to have you. Please come back soon, you're welcome any time."

I nod, "I'd love to come back." I tell her honestly, we share more hugs and then she squeezes Harry before we hit the road and start the long drive to London.

"How long is the drive?" I ask him.

"It's about three hours, sometimes a bit quicker if I make good time and the traffic isn't bad."

"Oh...speeding." I grin.

"No no, no speeding. I'm a very safe driver." He tells me.

I nod, and smile gently "I know baby, I'm just kidding. You're honestly the best driver I've ever been in a car with. You put my driving to shame." I laugh.

"Oh, no don't say that. You're great."

I laugh, "Mm but you're better?"

"I am a great driver." He grins cheekily at me.

I playfully roll my eyes and nod, the drive is honestly so peaceful. Harry keeps his hand on my thigh the entire time and I love it. I've never been one of those people who love PDA or anything, but with Harry I love when he's holding my hand or holding me, or touching me.

"What's the plans for tonight then?" I ask him when we're nearly there.

"Hm, let me think, you and me....and my bed."

"Oh? You're sleepy Hmm?" I say with a slight smirk as I look over at him.

"Ha." He chuckles, "no, I plan to show you every inch of my bed. I hated being respectful in my mums house... we didn't do that in your mums house!"

I laugh and gently swap him, "my mum was out... and we both know how loud we get, I'd be mortified if your mum heard that the first time I visited..."

"Oh, so not the second? That was just a first time thing? Noted..." he grins cheekily at me and squeezes me thigh, inching his hand higher, "but seriously... I can't wait for bed time."

"Will you give me a tour first?"

"Of my bedroom? Yes."

"No!" I giggle, "of the house, I want to see your house."

"Okay, okay a tour that ends in the bedroom?"

"Deal." I grin and nod.

I'm a little shocked when we get to his house, the gates to get in our massive but when he does drive in the house a mansion. It is a mansion. It looks like two or even three big houses all got stuck together and suddenly that feeling of how different our lives really are hits me. This is somewhere I could never have imagined being.

I just kind of stare, his door is a really light pink with a really extravagant knocker and number on it, he jogs to his mail box and collects a pile of things before he goes to the door, I'm still just kind of behind him and at least I have the excuse of my ankle slowing me down, but I'm just seriously nervous about seeing the inside, I can already tell it's going to be amazing. It's going to scream expensive and fancy.

"Wow..." I say, out loud and then my cheeks burn, the hallway is spectacular, it's modern but warm with a classic feel, the stairway is massive and a really big feature with like a dark work finish and dark would on the stairs.

Harry looks at me when he sets our bags at the bottom of the stairs, I look back at him.

"This a really nice house." I tell him.

He nods and smiles, "yeah... yeah it is. I really like it. I've had it for years, I never moved again after I bought it... I know it's big and I know how lucky I am."

I nod, "yeah... god it's huge! I love it. The art is beautiful." There are so many pictures on the walls, I can only see a bit of the living room but it's beautiful decorated.

"Thank you... come on I'll show you around." He says holding out his hand to me.

He takes me around the ground floor, every room is immaculate and so beautifully decorated, with the most amazing furniture and art, the kitchen is extraordinary, I honestly find myself feeling a bit jealous... this is like that house you dream about. There's even a cinema room, an actual massive screen and cinema style seats, I'm in awe.

He takes me upstairs then, and shows me where his home studio is, a home gym and a room with an entire wall filled with bookshelves, I think that might be my favourite room.

"Wow..." I say as I trail my finger along all the spines, "this is gorgeous, I'd love something like this in my house." I tell him.

He smiles and me and wraps his arms around my waist, "you can put as many books as you like in this room, it can be all yours..." he hums and pecks my lips.

I look up at him, "how did I get so lucky...? You know I don't expect you to give me anything, right?"

He nods and pecks my lips again, "I know, but that won't stop me... I know I'm a lucky fucker to have all this, I'll never take it for granted, but I want to share what I have with the people I love. And you're one of them..." he says, making me almost melt, how could I ever even begin to argue with him?

"I love you too, my guy." I smile fondly at him.

"Mm I like that, you're guy..." he hums and nods, "now come on, my bedroom is next..."

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