Thank you guys for 1k votes! I didn't think I'd get nearly as many read or votes when I started writing this! Nearly 40k views! (:
Enjoy this one!
***I'm completely buzzing after my performance, I still can't believe I was asked to open the show, the freaking Grammy's! The biggest award show in music, it feels incredible. I watch everyone else's performances, clapping and whistling when Billie performs.
I watch all the winners accept their awards in between the amazing performances. They've seriously put on an amazing show.
Aurora grabs my hand when they call out the music video nominees, Adore You is up for this category, I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to win, of course I do, but there's so many amazing videos and artists nominated too. I hold her hand tightly as we wait for them to call out the winner.
I didn't win.
Beyoncé and her daughter won this one, I can't even be mad. It was so well deserved, I clap and smile happily for them. They look so adorable accepting the award together.
"I'm sorry." Ror whispers, I squeeze her hand again and turn to smile at her lovingly.
"It's okay baby, don't worry. I'm not upset at all, they deserved that." I tell her honestly.
She smiles and kisses my cheek as I squeeze her in a gentle hug.
I lose out on the next one too, pop vocal album of the year, again I take it graciously and smile and clap for Dua, her album was incredible. Of course it sucks a bit, I would love to have won tonight, but it doesn't look likely, there's always the next album in a year or two, I can definitely try again.
Taylor performs after that award, I watch her performance in awe honestly, she's a really wonderful performer, I know Ror is enjoying it too, I look to her and smile fondly, she smiles back before watching the stage again.
When Taylor finishes we both clap right away and loudly, she really was amazing. That performance was something else.
The rest of the categories go by so quickly, Pop Solo Performance is the last category I am nominated in, but so is Billie and Taylor and so many other amazing songs and artists.
I watch the presenter, Auroras hand in my hand like it's been almost all night, the name she calls out is not what I was expecting.
Harry Styles.
I sit still and look down, oh my god. I've just won a Grammy. An actual fucking Grammy Award.
Ror leans in to me with her arms wrapped around my waist, "oh my goodness!" She squeaks, "go get your award my superstar." She whispers, I stand up and hug her tightly, I hug my mum and sister too, and Billie on my way to the stage.
I look thank the presenter and take the award, setting it down gently before I start to speak. I have no idea what to say.
"Wow, thank you... there were so many amazing songs and artists in the category with me, I feel so fucking privileged to win this, shit sorry..." I chuckle shyly, "but yeah, everyone else, you were amazing and deserve this too. I want to thank my label and my writing team, without those guys I wouldn't be here." I smile, "and I'd like to thank my family, for all being so supportive in everything I do and never judging, you are all my safety net and I'm so lucky to have you, and to my mum and sister for coming tonight, I love that you care so much always.
And thank you to Aurora, my girlfriend who helped write this album more than she'll ever know, a lot of those words are yours too. Thank you for always being so supportive, I love you.
This is for all of us that work so hard on my career, I couldn't do any of it without my team."I can feel myself getting a bit emotional so I stop there and leave the stage, only having to dash back momentarily to pick up the award that I'd forgotten.
I chuckle and grin as I make my way back to my seat, Aurora hugging me so tightly.
"You're amazing." She breathes, kissing my cheek.
"So are you." I reply and kiss her properly, there's not even a thought in me that a camera might be on us right now.
I sit back down, setting the award in Ror's lap and grinning at her.
"Congratulations, that was so well deserved." Taylor says as she turns around.
I smiled down at her and nod, "Thank you, I thought you had that one." I joke, "Cardigan is phenomenal." I tell her honestly, I really do love that song.
She smiles graciously at me, "no, you really do deserve this one. The first of many for you over the coming years I'd say."
"That means a lot, I'm sure you'll snap up more and more too." I say, and rightly enough she wins album of the year, I clap and stand for her, as well as Ror, I want to introduce them later, I hadn't seen Taylor a lot over the years, not since our brief fling, which I'll admit didn't end too well, but we were young and are very much over that now, it's nice that we can friends, she reached out to me to congratulate me on both of my solo albums.
She's a class act.
"Is it nearly over?" Ror whispers, I nod and tell her that it is, and then it'll help the dinner and drinks with everyone.

More Than A Melody (H.S)
FanfictionAt sixteen years old Aurora Wilson spent a few hours in her mother's cafe, with a trapped Harry Styles, his fans almost busting down the door to get his attention, but he didn't seem to want to give it to them, just her. It's every girls dream, righ...