Chapter 52 - Harry

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The first day in LA is so nice, it feels different being here with Ror, I'm loving showing her around. We drive along the coast, it's so beautiful and I watched her, she looks in complete awe, the beaches are so different over here.

I wish I could take her everywhere, but the touristy places will be bunged and I don't want that.

I take her to a gorgeous restaurant in Malibu for lunch, we sit outside and it's pretty quiet so we don't get bothered.

"I love it here..." Ror hums happily as she wants her sandwich.

"Yeah? Would live here?" I ask her.

"Like properly?" She asks.

I nod, " if we find a house that both of us love and can do however we like? Not just my house?"

"I'd love anywhere you are...but your house is gorgeous. I already love it there."

"I know, but I wanted to sell up before anyway... I'd love somewhere out here instead." I tell her.

"Malibu? This is Malibu isn't?" She asks.

I nod, "yeah love, somewhere around here..."

"Maybe we could look while we're out here? Not today but when you have another free day?" She suggests.

I smile and nod, "that sounds lovely, baby."

She smiles happily too and we finish out lunch, I feel bad that this is the only day I have free this week, I have a meeting with my label tomorrow to discuss the next steps in my career, the movies I've filmed will release soon so I don't want to do too much music just yet as I'd like to be able to do press for the movies. I'm excited for that.

But there's a few festivals my team are keen to get me involved in so we just have to choose which ones to say yes to, and then there's the Grammy's coming up soon. I can't wait to take Ror and enjoy our night, I still can't believe I'm up for three awards, this is the closest I've ever been.

I feel so lucky.

I drive us around even more after lunch, I even tackle Hollywood to show her the sights over there and the Hollywood sign, Hollywood is so busy, I'm so glad we're in the car, I would be mobbed if I was spotted, but I do wish I could have got out with her and let her experience it properly.

I take her to an ice cream bar called MILK after, they do the most amazing ice cream sandwiches, they're like French macarons but with ice cream in the middle, they're delicious, I get lucky and get a parking space right beside it and then we go in, it's in a more popular location, so there's quite a few people inside.

People recognise me immediately, thankfully they're nice and wait until we've ordered. Two girls come up to us and ask for a picture, I take one quickly and then one with the girl behind the counter.

"These look amazing!" Ror grins, she could decide so has got a red velvet one as well as a strawberry, I got a pistachio one. I pay and thank everyone before we leave, going back out to the car where we sit and eat.

"Fucking hell, these are delicious!" Ror says as she takes a bit from each.

"You're moaning..." I joke with her.

"Mm Mhmm. But they're so good." She says with her mouth around the red velvet one, "wanna bite?" She asks and holds it out after her.

I nod and take a bite, it really is good. My pistachio one is too, I let her have a bite of that too.

"I think I could eat these forever and never get board." She tells me.

I nod, "I knew you'd love them."

"You know me so well..." she hums, and licks her lips.

"I'd like to think so, I think you know me too babe." I say.

She nods "I think I do too."

"I've one more place to take you... for today anyway and then we can go and chill at home, I know you're dying to get in the pool." I say as I start the car again, I want to just show her the downtown area before we go back home, it's such a built up area, it amazes me that it's just outside of LA, it looks like New York.

"Where are we going?" She asks.

"Downtown." I smile as I head that way, "it's got the hugest building here, it even has a slide."

"A slide in the building?"

"Yeah, it's a glass slide on like the twentieth floor or something..."

"That's crazy, have you done it?" She asks me.

"No, I've just heard about it." I tell her.

"Oh, we should do it someday!" She grins.

I nod, "we can do love, I'll look into it." I chuckle.

I drive us back home after showing her around, even though we didn't do very much today I'm really tired, this jet lag has really took hold this time for some reason.

Aurora yawns and flops herself down onto the couch, "jet lag is evil." She grumbles.

I laugh and nod, "it's got me this time too. Early night?" I suggest.

"Mm yes please." She nods, "you're meeting is early isn't it?"

"Ugh don't remind me." I chuckle.

"Would it be okay if I borrowed your car? One of your cars tomorrow?" She asks.

I nod, "of course love, where are you going?"

"I just want to explore a bit, maybe do a little shopping... and get a Starbucks, they look so good over here." She grins.

I smile and nod, "that sounds good love, you'll be careful though, yeah?"

"I promise." She smiles.

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