Chapter 5 - Aurora

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I walk around the Airbnb he's booked, I didn't plan to go inside, but he insisted I come in and sit down for a few minutes before I drive back. The place is gorgeous, it's so new and clean, with modern furniture and decor. And the view, I gasped out loud when I looked out the large patio windows, the Mourne Mountains are just behind the house, and they look even more stunning than ever.

"This place is a dream..." I hummed as we inspected the place.

Harry nods and looks at me with a smile, "it is, it's lovely. Thanks for the recommendation and did driving me here... I really appreciate it, honestly."

I smile and nod, I'm a lot more relaxed now, we chatted quite a lot on the drive here, just small talk but it was nice.

"Have you climbed those?" He asks, looking out of the window beside me, nodding at the Mourne mountains, they're beautiful and so, so close to us.

I nod, "I have, several times, we usually hike a lot in the summer, the paths are so lovely, some trails are tougher than others, but I've done almost all of the six peaks, Donard is the most popular, it's the highest peak." I said, blushing slightly, I'm totally geeking out over mountains.

"You'll have to come with me, and lead me up." He laughs, "you can be my guide, I definitely want to explore..." he says.

"Oh god, I never lead... I just follow." I laugh, there's usually a group of us, I never ever take the lead, I'm too afraid of getting everyone lost, could you imagine if I got Harry Styles most in a mountain?

"I'm sure we'd be fine..." he chuckles.

"Do you hike a lot?"

"Yeah... I like it, especially when I'm out in LA, you can't really hike in London... but yeah, I love exploring new places too, nature is beautiful..."

"I'd love to explore more, I'm not a huge fitness buff or anything, I just love walks, and mountains walks just happen to be my favourite, beach walks are probably second..." I smiled.

"Yeah they're nice too, you should do some of the hikes in LA if you ever get the chance, like Runyon canyon and the Hollywood hills, the views are stunning."

"Ah... I can imagine." I muse dreamily, that's already on my bucket list for sure. "Do you mind if I use the bathroom before I head back?" I ask, I wasn't going to, but I really need to go.

"Of course, yes... but you don't have to go yet? You must tired after work and then driving me here... I could make some tea before you go?" He asks me, I can't say no to that, so I nod my head and still pop to the bathroom while he goes to make it, a lovely feature of this place is the nicely stocked kitchen.

The tea is almost ready when I come out, he tells me to sit down and then brings it over, I set mine down on the table in front of me, needing it to cool before I drink it. I take a biscuit from the plate he's brought over and eat that first, watching him as he sits down and takes a drink straight away, I'm horrified again, surely his tongue is burning?

"What?" He asks me, laughing a bit. Crap, he's caught me practically staring at him.

"Nothing... it's just, you don't wait for your drinks to cool, don't they burn your mouth?"

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