Chapter 35 - Harry

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I have a bit of an update today, it's probably not my best, but I had some dental
work done yesterday and my mouth is hurting a lot.
I'm hoping to write some more later!

"You're important to me too..." she says quietly, her voice is still a bit hoarse, but there's words make me smile.

"I'm glad, but I think we need to focus on you right now." I tell her gently, "is there anything you need?"

She shakes her head, "my mum and Ems have gone to the shop, my throats a bit sore so they're getting me a drink, a few drinks... I couldn't decide what I wanted."

I laugh and nod, "you can have whatever you want... I think that's only fair."

She smiles a little, "when do you think I can go home...?"

"I don't know, love. They haven't said, they just told us about the breaks in your ankle and that you were okay otherwise... thankfully you weren't there long enough to get very dehydrated or hypothermia."

"Thanks to you..." she says and I think I actually blush, this girl I swear. "I hope it's soon." She adds.

I nod, "hopefully, love. We've been here a few hours."

"Hours?" She asks, her eyes widening.

I nod, "'ve slept a while. It's nearly morning." I laugh lightly.

"Oh, wow... sorry. I've kept you all here." She frowns.

"I don't think we'd have gone anywhere else, Ror. We all just wanted to make sure you were okay. I'm glad you got some rest..."

"How did you manage to carry me the whole way down?" She asks.

"Because I wanted to get you to safety, I put you on my back..." I answer.

She nods, "I remember that...but it must have been hard, carry my weight on your back going downhill? I can't even imagine it."

"Honestly, it wasn't that hard. Maybe it was Adrenalin, I don't know but... we all made it safely. I'm just sorry you were hurt up there in the first place, that never should have happened."

She nods and sighs, "I was so angry at Daniel, I was texting Emma and wasn't looking properly, I went down hard. And I couldn't get back up, I knew something was broken, and my hand was aching, I smashed my phone into it."

"He's a complete dick, I really hope no one ever runs into him." I say, the hatred I feel for that guy, I think I'd hurt him like he's hurt her, but it's her mum he should be worried about, she is furious and has cursed his name several times.

"He is. I was stupid to go up there with him."

"No." I say, "you're not stupid at all..."

Thankfully they don't beep Aurora in too long, her vitals are all okay and she's had fluids and food and is ready to go home. By lunchtime that next day we're leaving, Wendy insisted Ror goes in a wheelchair to get outside, I can't tell she's annoyed but she doesn't say anything, she just lets her mum push her out to the carpark.

"I can drive your car home? If you want?" I suggest, we are all so tired, Wendy looks really grateful and hands her keys too me, Mike drives Emma's car and we all set off, I have no idea where I'm going and have to use google maps, but I don't make a big deal and thankfully I get us back, I immediately recognise the cafe, it's open and there's a few people in it, one of the staff has opened for Wendy, which is nice.

I park up beside the cafe and help Ror out of the car, getting her out first before her crutches, Wendy has gone on to open the door.

"Fuck, the stairs." Ror groans, it didn't even occur to me, they live above the cafe, of course there's stairs.

"It's okay, I've got you." I tell her.

She nods and uses her crutches to get over and through the door, there's one flight of stairs up, "do you want me to carry you?" I ask her, "until you get used to the crutches?" I'm sure she's still tired and her body is a bit weak, I expect her to tell me no, but she just nods and gives me a grateful smile.

I nod and gently pick her up, trying to be as careful as I can, the stairs are quite narrow and I don't want to hit her ankle off the wall.

We make it up and I gently put her down on the couch before I run back down to get her crutches.

"Thank you." She says, smiling up at mr from bed spot on the couch, I smile back and nod as I gently sit down beside her. As soon as I sink into the cushion I realise just how tired I am, I've been awake for quite some time, I'm used to long hours, but all the worry and carrying her down the mountain, has exhausted me.

"I think we all need a good sleep." Her mum says, "I'm going to nip down and speak to Katie before I go for a couple of hours..." she says.

I nod, "yeah, I'm exhausted..." I say, it was almost like she was reading my thoughts, or maybe she could just see the tiredness on my features.

Aurora nods too, "I've had way more sleep than you two, but I'm still so tired." She says.

"I'll help you to your room? Is it okay if I...sleep on the couch? Do you have a spare blanket?" The thought of going anywhere else right now is far too much.

"You can stay in my room..." she says almost without thinking, at least I don't think she's thinking.

"Oh... it's okay..." I tell her but she shakes her head, "you need a proper sleep." She says.

I don't want to discuss this in front of her mum so I just nod, Wendy is headed downstairs as we go towards Auroras room, she'd using her crutches, so I wait behind her to give her time and space.

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