Chapter 59 - Aurora

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After the taping we go straight to the Gucci party, we both change in the dressing room, Harry's make up artist friend fixes me up and I look not too bad, but he...looks amazing as always in a pink Gucci suit with sparkles and Gucci boots with his name embellished in the heel, he's so stylish and handsome.

"You look incredible, that dress It's gorgeous." He says as he looks me up and down. I'm wearing a pink mini dress it's strapless with pink tulle, I absolutely love it.

"Thank you." I grin at him and peck his lips, we leave then, a car waiting to whisk us away to the party in a Hollywood hotel, theres paparazzi outside the entrance just waiting to snap pictures of the A-listers attending.

The flashes are so bright the minute we step out of the car, and the paps are calling Harry's name, he's gentle though and helps me out of the car, ignoring the shouts and the flashes as he escorts me straight through, there are fans behind barriers calling and calling for him but he doesn't stop, it's so busy, and it's only a short pavement from the car to the building.

Inside is a lot calmer, as soon as the doors close behind us the noise from outside is exchanged for a low murmur of people chatting and gentle music playing in the background.

A waiter carrying a tray of tall champagne flutes stops right beside us and offers us a glass, Harry carefully lifts two glasses off the tray and hands one to me, "cheers, my girl." He hums and we both take a sip, it's so nice, I dread to think how much this champagne costs, so I don't, instead I just enjoy it.

"So what happens at these type of things?" I ask Harry as I peer around the room.

"Not too much honestly, it's just like people mingling, there'll be performances and someone from Gucci might speak for a few minutes, but it's all very casual and chilled."

I nod and glance around, I don't really recognise anyone, not like I did at the Grammy's but I'm sure I'll spot someone soon, there's bound to be celebrities everywhere.

Harry introduces me to a few people, I recognise Harris, the designer of a lot of the clothes Harry wears, he was there for the Grammy's and all the other people are designers or work for designers too, Harry seems to know them really well.

"It's really lovely to meet you, Aurora. What a beautiful name!" The man with the long hair, Alessandro his name was says to me and I blush lightly as I smile at him, gently shaking his hand.

"You too, Harry's told me all about you." I smile.

"All good things I should hope." He says with his accent thick.

I nod and smile, sipping from my champagne again.

More and more people make their way to Harry, I sometimes forget just how poplar he is, even at events like this there are people asking to take pictures with him, he is so courteous and talks to everyone, introducing me to everyone too.

I excuse myself "I need the bathroom." I tell him softly, making my way through the lavish hotel towards the ladies room.

The bathrooms are gorgeous and so big, filled with perfumes and hand soaps and creams all along a vanity beside the sinks, there's even mints.

I freshen myself up, fixing my lipstick in the mirror after I've used the facilities. I'm alone in here until the door opens. I hear the clink of heels and then see a very tall dark haired girl appear around the corner, I recognise her straight away.

Kendall Jenner.

I smile and then tilt my head back to the sink, putting away my lipstick into my clutch.

"You're here with Harry aren't you?" She says, stopping at the sink right beside mine, she's so tall, I almost feel intimidated.

I nod and smile lightly, "yes..." I tell her gently.

"I didn't think he liked blondes all that much, especially that type of blonde." She says, her eyes running over my hair, oh god, what do I even say to that. Is she making fun of my hair?

I don't say anything, instead I just laugh awkwardly and hope it looks like I'm just brushing it off or that I'm not at all offended.

"We were supposed to get back together, they had it all set up and then he said no? Because of some girl he fell in love with? You I'm guessing....?" She laughs.

I feel really really uncomfortable, I move over towards the vanity and dry my hands on a paper towel.

"Oh." I simply say and nod my head.

"Harry wouldn't know love if he was tortured into it." She tells me, "I can't imagine he would fall so easily in love with a nobody, he needs people like me for his public image...not girlfriends who run off to the bathroom because they don't know how to handle fancy events like this..." she says, and it's cruel now, I can hear it her voice.

She's like one of those American mean girls that's the typical villain in every teen drama.

"I just needed the bathroom..." I reply and feel so stupid.

She rolls her eyes, drawing another coat of bright red lipstick onto her lips, I can't help but notice how gorgeous she is, I've seen the photos of her and Harry, they look good together.

"Yeah... I get it. Well I don't really, I've always been used to these things, Harry and I threw the last one after the Met Gala together, he's such a good co-host." She says as she washes her hands, I don't know what she's trying to achieve here.

Does she want me to tell her she can have him? That I'm so sorry for falling in love and that they can go back to their set up relationship?

Not happening.

I give her one last smile before I walk to the door, striding with purpose and my shoulders back, I'm not letting her know that she got to me, that I do in fact feel slightly intimidated.

When I open the door to the ladies room I see Harry standing against the wall opposite, waiting for me.

I give him a smile and make my way over.

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