Chapter 25 - Harry

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This is just a very short chapter of Harry's POV. A double update date, but a short one! (:
I hope you like it.
The next chapter starts a bit of a time jump.

"Fuck, are you joking?!" I shout into the empty trailer I'm in, I just got a text from Aurora about signing an NDA, which is exactly what I told my management that I didn't want her to do, I didn't want them contacting her at all, I only told them about her to get them off my back.

I feel a pang of hurt when I read her message, it's very clear that I've hurt her. I ignored her call that was on my phone when I got off the plane a few days ago. I've fucked up so badly. I start to type a reply but delete it all and call her instead, it tells me the call cannot be connected, I hang up and try again.

She's blocked my number, I don't blame her honestly but it stings a bit. I want to use a different number and talk to her, but what good would that do? It's clear she wants nothing more to do with me.

I throw my phone down on the couch beside me and let out an exasperated groan, I hate hurting people and I've done it, purposely this time. I knew what I was doing.

I pick my phone up again and call Jeff, "leave her alone." I say as soon as he answers, "don't go after her for an NDA, I already told you not to." I say angrily, "this is over, just leave her. She isn't going to the press and even if she did I wouldn't blame her, we could handle it. Just leave her in peace, I've done enough..."

"But Harry I think having her sign..."

"No!" I yell, "I said no Jeff,  listen to me! She will not be sighing anything or having any further contact from me or anyone involved with me."

"Okay..." he sighs, I can tell he's pissed but he doesn't say anything further.

I hang up then and leave my trailer when there's a knock, I'm needed on set, again.

I feel like I haven't slept since I left Belfast.

And I can't sleep now, I'm due back on set in half an hour, I know this is a privilege, my whole life is a privilege, but right now this sucks really bad.

I have to film this movie for another month and then I'm going back to the studio, I told Jeff to book somewhere quiet and private and we can work on it for however long it takes, I have a lot of material, at least getting that down will be good.

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