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chenle shifted under the soft covers, slightly whimpering. his body feels like breaking, but he shrugs it off. he was about to close his eyes and go back to his sleep but he realizes one thing.

where is he?

he jolts up, realizing that he's not in his room, eyes wide open. "where the heck am i?" he looks around. there's an open window, making him squint because of the brightness. the room is not big nor small, it's just a simple sized room. there are a few posters on the wall. a small space for the computer and a guitar beside it. the room gave him the aesthetic vibes. but again, where is he?

being tired and lazy, chenle lay on the bed again.

he should be panicking right now, he should jump out of the window or called for help but no, he just laid down there, feeling comfortable.

he hugged the pillow beside him. he can't help but sniff it. it smells manly with a baby powder. it's so addicting, it makes him forget all of his problems. he doesn't even know who owns the bed or how did he end up here, but there he is, sniffing the pillow and burying his head on it like a crazy dog. daegal and his friends are probably looking for him, but he doesn't give a fuck. he's letting his stress out without someone disturbing him.

he buried his face deeper into the soft pillow, hugging it tightly. the chinese boy was about to close his eyes but the door opened.

he quickly sat up and looked at someone who just opened the door.

it's him.. chenle thought.

it's the boy he saw on the field, the guy he has been thinking about. he wanted to ask many questions, why is he sad? why does he look so depressed? does he have friends? where are his parents? how is he? chenle wanted to ask these things the boy, but he remained silent. he doesn't know what to feel. he wanted to ask so many questions.

"g-good morning, chenle."

the smaller looked up, seeing the boy smiling awkwardly while holding a tray with a lot of food. "how are y-you feeling?" the taller boy asked.

chenle didn't answer the boy, instead, he glared at him, "what am i doing here?" the boy placed the tray on the nightstand, sitting beside chenle.

chenle noticed that the boy is shaking, slightly biting his lips, he looks scared. making the smaller regret glaring at the poor boy, maybe he's a little bit harsh. "what am i doing here?" he asked, but now, with a soft voice. the boy looked at him, "c-can we talk about it later? you should e-eat first." the boy said as he carefully took the tray on the nightstand and placed it on his lap with full of care. "I cooked this f-for y-you-"

"talk properly."

chenle doesn't mean to say it, it's just the boy's stutter makes his blood boil, it's so annoying.

"i-i'm sorry." the boy said, trying not to stutter but failing, so he clasped his palm on his mouth.

"I don't want to eat, I'm not hungry. I want to go home, someone's looking for me." the smaller said coldly. he stood up, whimpering at how his back hurts. but the boy held his wrist. he mentally cursed. this boy is really annoying.

"please don't go. i-i will tell you everything. please eat first."

"I said I'm not hungry and I'm going home either you like it or not!" chenle tried to free himself from the other's grip, but he can't. "please chenle hyung, please don't go." the other begged, holding chenle's wrist tightly, "hyung please, just stay here."

"let go of me, I'm going home!" chenle raised his voice.


chenle kicked the tray on the boy's lap, making the food splatter on the floor. "let me fucking go!"

the boy stopped, he loosened his hand on the older's wrist, "i'm sorry." he can feel the tears slowly falling from his eyes, sniffing, he stood up. "hyung, please don't get mad at me. I have my explanation." he hugged chenle tightly, making sure the smaller won't run away. "c-chenle hyung, i-i'm sorry for making you mad, but please stay. i-i will not hurt you, I swear to god-" he was cut off with his own sob.

chenle can feel his shirt getting wet because of the other's tears. he just realizes that he's too harsh, he almost forgot his condition, he feels bad for shouting at the boy, but he doesn't know why did the boy want him to stay. what should he do? what, just go with the flow?

jisung couldn't help but cry. he didn't know it would end up like this, he thought chenle will calm down and listen to him, but no, instead, he received bad treatment. jisung thought that he deserves it, of course, he does, after what he did to chenle last night? but still, he was so scared of how chenle will react. the way the older yells at him made him shake in fear and tear up.


"what's your name?" chenle asked.

"j-jisung. park jisung."

chenle didn't know but his arms are slowly wrapping around jisung's torso, he feel bad for jisung, so maybe hugging the taller as apologizing would be better. he hugged jisung, patting his back softly. he sighed, he should haven't reacted like that, it probably scares jisung.

the smaller leaned closer and kissed the younger's forehead, "i-i'm sorry jisung, please don't cry." he hushed the younger boy, kissing his forehead continuously. "I didn't mean to shout at you. i just panicked and I didn't know what to do, please forgive me." chenle said, he mean it. he means every word coming out of his mouth. but he doesn't know why he's kissing his forehead, he can't think properly so maybe kissing his forehead might help him to calm down.

"I will stay, but please tell me what happened and why did I end up here okay?" he asked, feeling the tall guy nod, he smiled. "hush now."

"also, I'm sorry for wasting the food you made, I'm really really sorry jisungie." chenle apologized with a soft voice.

and oh, chenle buried his face on the taller's neck, sniffing it. damn, he smells so good. no wonder why his bed smells so goddamn good. his mind is blank and he doesn't even know what he's doing or what got into him.

smiling softly, chenle pouted his lips, giving the younger a peck on the neck.

he widened his eyes, what the fuck did he just do? he's so focused on the younger's scent and didn't even notice that he gave him a peck on the neck. feeling embarrassed, he pushed jisung away. he looked at jisung who is looking down with a frown on his lips, then it hit him hard, what the fuck happened inside his head and why did he do that?

he is straight, he shouldn't feel this way. but what magic did jisung put in him? why is he making chenle soft? and not to mention, it's their first interaction, why is he giving jisung random kisses like what the actual fuck?

"fuck, I'm sorry." said chenle as he buried his face in his palm, he wanted to jump into the window and hide underground for being embarrassing.

the last thing he knows is that he's into girls but why is he giving a guy random kisses?

T B C.

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