Chapter One

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"Between you and me, you seriously don't need any make-up," Josie gushed as she applied a little gloss over Jessie's deep red lips.  "You still look the same from when you were twenty-three."

Physically unable to thank her make-up artist while at Capital FM, she tried her best to smile with her eyes completely humbled.  Ever since she was back in the public eye, that's the one constant compliment that she never got tired of hearing.  Jessie wasn't completely sure why she was getting her make-up touched up when the photo-taking portion of her visit to the radio station was over; they were not filming her quick live interview today like they did with her pre-interview that was going on the radio station's website so all that needed to be pristine was her speaking voice.

"All done and looking gorgeous with three minutes to spare!" Josie declared enthusiastically.  As she nodded in admiration of her work, her pink and purple locks moved about.

"Thanks, Josie.  You don't happen to have the time, do you?" Jessie asked inquisitively.

Sticking an index finger up in the air, Josie reach into the pocket of her black studded jeans for her purple sparkly cased phone.  "1:27," she responded.

I'm never going to make it on time, Jessie thought to herself in dismay, though successfully did not show such emotion on her face.  Why can't they just tell me the results on the phone?

Knowing like many things during her busy work days this was out of her control, Jessie put on her best face and returned to the studio quietly as the DJ for the afternoon show was babbling on about some affair between two Australian celebrities she did not really know.  

Having done this many times both before and after her career hiatus from several years back, Jessie didn't even blink an eye as an assistant helped place earphones on her head and presented her microphone close to her face.  However, the DJ, Kenya, was completely new to her from her last interview with Capital FM two years ago.

"And now in the studio with me until the next commercial-free segment of the songs you've been dying to hear is London's very own Jessie J!" Kenya declared, giving Jessie a wink with her sea-green eyes.

A light round of applause by the assistants present was heard around the studio.  Forcing a smile even though nobody listening in would be able to see it, Jessie responded, "Hello, world!  And thank you, Kenya, for having me.  It's great to be here."

Deep inside, Jessie's nerves were all over the place at what may be asked.  Judging by what she heard about Kenya, she was anticipating some questions that were going to touch some sensitive territory.  Of course she knew every artist went through this, but there were some things Jessie felt she should not have to address as pestering a non-famous person with these same questions would also be counted as extremely private and insensitive.

"Jessie, the last time you were here things were warming back up in your career and now here you are having just finished your sold-old tour here in the UK.  Did you ever think you would achieve such success after having left the spotlight?" Kenya inquired.

Having answered this question a zillion times since she restarted her career, Jessie had this one in the bag.  "The loyalty of my fan base has been amazing and without my Heartbeats there is no way I would have come this far after a really difficult break from the music industry,"she replied honestly.  "I just think back to the time I spent living in New York having to decide what I was going to do in regards to my career and I have never been happier to be doing what I love."

Kenya's soft-pink painted lips spread into a beautiful smile revealing quite a nice set of straight teeth.  "And that relationship you have with your fans is amazing," she commented.  "Earlier, you were telling us all about your successful tour that all of you can hear about through our website.  Now that it's over, what are your plans?"

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