Chapter Fourteen

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Jessie felt the soft strokes of two strong, but gentle hands pushing loose chunks of hair away from her sleeping face but refused to open her eyes. She certainly did not regret sex last night; being she was almost finished with her week long regime of cephalexin with her ever faithful monthly friend officially gone and felt loads betters, Dr. Solberg probably would not have approved as she could aggravate her invisible symptoms but as she kept telling herself, Dr. Solberg doesn't have a husband who is leaving in a week and not coming back for months.

"Baby, do you need to go back to the doctor?" Brendan's concerned voice asked as he now began to rub her back that remained warmed by the thickness of their comforter in spite of a warmer spring day. "I'll take you and even will reschedule the interview for you with Bazaar."

As Jessie took in a breath without even budging, she knew she would be lying if she said she forgot about her interview, but in all honesty her mind was no longer processing anything as being sleep deprived robbed her of coherent thinking. "Jess, you're beginning to scare me now. Wake up," Brendan's voice pressed a little as he began to shake her.

"I'm sorry. I just selfishly don't want you to go," she murmured, still keeping her eyes closed as she nuzzled against her pillow.

Brendan exhaled a breath of relief before a nervous bout of laughter sounded through the bedroom. "I know, babe, I know. But I still have a week," he brought up optimistically as he rubbed her back.  "And like I was saying last night, he was telling me that there are small breaks so maybe I can come home even if just for a couple of days."

Jessie's eyes fluttered opened. "That's insane to do for a couple of days even if you were traveling from New York to here," she replied as she slowly maneuvered into a sit-up position. She pivoted her head as an effort to get the creaks out of her neck before looking right at him. "I know I am being selfish."

Brendan chuckled. "You're not selfish," he argued. "You seem to be forgetting you were gone for a year rather recently."

"Yes, but you certainly were not all mopey before I left," she reminded him as she raked her fingers to tame her hair. "And you did not act like your life was going to come to a complete halt."

"But you were not even here to see that I did in fact miss you," he reminded her with a smirk.  "Jess, you are going to be just fine.  What helped me while you were away was the completion and publication of my book.  Doing little things like your interview today should do it and I am sure you are eager to start recording for your next album."

But I deserve a little break after my tour, she moaned in her head.

Had she said it aloud she knew Brendan would completely agree with that notion, but Jessie felt even lazier after hearing what her husband just told her he had done to keep busy.  

Resorting to just nodding to acknowledge his words, Jessie stretched her arms one last time before sliding off her bed.  "I'm going to get ready.  I hate to impose, but would you mind fixing us breakfast...or brunch I should say given the time?" she requested politely as she realized it was almost noon.  

"Not imposing at all.  I made French toast for myself earlier, but left you some in the fridge," he replied.  "I was going to fix a sandwich if you prefer that instead?"

Jessie lightly plopped against his lap before giving him a neck fondle of gratitude.  "You're the best.  French toast is perfect," she promised him as she was not up to eating anything too heavy before talking with a stranger about God knew what.

One of her favorite things about an interview without a shoot to follow was not having to go over the top about her appearance.  Being Jessie, she of course looked more presentable than most people but it was absolutely freeing that casual attire and a very neat ponytail were an option if needed.  

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