Chapter Thirty-six

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Jessie just watched as the two uniformed officers finally popped open Gianna's trunk to only find an empty reusable grocery bag and a half-full bottle of windshield wiper fluid.  Given the police station's updates the past few days, Jessie had anticipated those results but they didn't make the mystery any clearer.  

The officers continued to inspect all areas of the car carefully for blood or any signs of foul play.  Taking that as her cue to head back to Sophia and Ron's house, Jessie huffed under the beaming sun that made the day feel about ten degrees hotter than it really was.  Upon request,  Brendan was solicited to a lawyer's office regarding Gianna's small will.  Although it was odd, Brendan mentioned she probably listed him as a testator back when they were dating hence giving him permission to view it with her whereabouts unknown.  Given Riley was in guardianship limbo, everybody had hoped Gianna had written a clause regarding to whom she entrusted Riley's care.

Once Jessie reentered the house, the scene pretty much was the same as she last left it with Ron on his couch being interviewed by a female officer while Sophia lurked between the front of Gia and Riley's door and the kitchen.  "Anything new?" Jessie whispered as she caught Sophia's attention.

Waving a hand towards the kitchen, Jessie followed her to the table littered with important documents they had found in Gia and Riley's room like medical records and Gianna's birth certificate.  "This is all getting a bit scary," Sophia admitted as they sat across from each other at the round table.  "They've finally ruled out that none of us have been involved in her disappearance.  Ron's alibi was easy to prove, but can you believe they had to rely on neighbor's accounts just to prove they saw her drive away that morning?"

Jessie knew they were just doing their job, but it still felt uncomfortable knowing everybody had to be treated with suspicion until ruled out.   Like Ron, Brendan and Jessie's alibis were easily checked out given they were with Riley the whole time.  "I'm so sorry.  I'm glad this whole suspect thing is over with now," Jessie answered.  "Riley's been in that room an awful long time.

Sophia sadly sighed as a few stray strands of blonde hair fell out of her small, thin ponytail.  "There really was nothing left for her to take.  I know she's young, but I think she understands that she can't stay with you forever," she explained.  "Pardon me being a bit presumptuous, but it didn't really seem like they had anybody else in their life.  If she didn't list anybody for guardianship, I hate the thought of Riley having to enter foster care if this mysterious aunt refuses to take her."

Putting her feelings aside, Jessie's heart broke for Riley.   She feared a mental break; a missing mother and living with a stranger were too much for an already beaten child to endure.  "Have they located the aunt?" Jessie pressed.

"I feel like I'm being treated like a criminal.  Every time we ask a question, we get told they can't release that information yet as they are still gathering evidence," Sophia uttered in defeat.  "They won't even share any theories regarding what happened!  They said the will may also contain beneficial information so they're waiting on that."

Jessie knew it was protocol to be secretive until they had all the pieces, but it didn't make these last few days of constant cop correspondence any easier.  With her and Brendan set to fly back to the UK in just a few days, especially now that the cops cleared them, she didn't like leaving without this case being resolved.  "I haven't heard from Brendan yet," Jessie confirmed.  "I guess the process is longer than I thought."

The heavy shuffle of shoes beckoned their attention to the two cops from outside now entering the kitchen with Ron joining them behind his wife's chair.  "We just heard back from our tending officers at the precinct," the aging officer with the tag "McGuire" declared.  The younger officer with a receding hairline and the last name Lombardo positioned himself beside him.  "We reached Ms. Fiorenza's aunt who goes by the full name Angela Fabiola Marino.  While she confirmed she is related to Gianna, she also confirmed that she has not seen or heard from her since her mother's funeral.  In fact, Ms. Marino has not lived in North Carolina in eight years and now resides in Maryland with her new husband.  We easily verified this information with public records."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2017 ⏰

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