Chapter Four

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Jessie could not stop grinning at her half-eaten Belgium waffle for her early lunch still in her green silk robe and last night's pajamas as the afternoon sun broke through her kitchen windows.  Last night made her realize just how much she missed Brendan that she could not help but initiate an encore performance this morning.  Even the way he winked at her as she passed his office ten minutes ago typing away his latest novel had her entire body tingling.  More bonking is perhaps the calm I need making this baby making process an absolute diversion, she thought she herself. 

Jackson parked himself next to her stool on the kitchen island hoping a little waffle may just happen to find its way on the floor in spite of still not feeling that great.  "If a waffle would make you feel better I would share, but it's not going to," she told him, her thoughts broken by feeling two begging eyes burning up at her face.  "But we're going to take you in a little bit to one of your favorite places to see if that helps."

Being she had breakfast only a little over three hours ago, Jessie took just a couple more bites from her waffle before she made her way over to the garbage pail.  Just as she was about to load her plate and fork into the dishwasher, her FaceTime alert summoned her presence back to the island.  Although she was expecting it, she jumped for a split second before temporarily placing her plate and fork into the sink and making a grab for her phone.

As she clicked "accept," she realized perhaps she should have actually gotten dressed and at least ran a comb through her hair.  It' s only my face she's seeing and even if it weren't, she has seen me at my worst, she thought to herself as she patiently waited for the connection to fully establish.

"Lauren!" she exclaimed happily as soon as her friend's chin-length blonde hair shaping her round face came into view. 

Although it was only FaceTime, Lauren's welcoming brown eyes were ever so bright as her face curled up in its usual happy grin.  "Jess!" she greeted back.  "How are you?  Is this still a good time to do this?"

Jessie nodded.  "Of course!  I should be asking you the same thing because it's only 11:30 here so it's relatively early for you over there," she stated.

Lauren's usual cheery temperament continued as usual.  "I'm up for work," she reminded Jessie.  "I now understand why Dad wanted to finally part with the company.  My brother is running this place with me yet it's so exhausting.  But tomorrow I have a dental cleaning late in the morning so I get to sleep in just a little bit and then head in after the dentist."

Jessie completely empathized with Lauren.  Before she owned the company, Jessie recalled Lauren's crazy hours and how it was so hard to even see her the entire time she was living in New York.  Because they were a prosperous business who especially catered to high profile individuals, it unfortunately was all part of the job.  "Do you think you will stay as co-owner?" Jessie asked.

"I apologize if I sounded like I was complaining," Lauren answered genuinely with guilt.  "In spite of the work, I am happy to continue the family business so definitely.  Still, I cannot deny that I am thrilled to finally have some time off next month."

Jessie's eyes widened in excitement.  "You have no idea how ecstatic I am you are flying out here.  When will you be coming?" Jessie inquired.

Lauren held up one finger before she began looking down at what had to be a tablet considering the lacking sound of fingers clicking against a keyboard.  "Okay, so I can catch a flight to Heathrow May 23th and then I would fly back May 30th.  Does that sound alright?" she asked as she looked up from the whatever device she just used.

"Absolutely.  Book it and then let me know what time you would be landing here," Jessie stated.

"I think it was maybe after eleven in the morning but I will book it later and let you know.  What hotel do you recommend by you?" she asked.

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