Chapter Eight

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After four days of shopping for the house, meeting up with some of their friends for a drink, and having Jenny and Jake over for dinner with the kids the other night, Jessie really wished they could extend their stay for just two more days just so she could enjoy how well-trimmed the New York house was looking and actually get some rest before the long trip home to the UK ahead of them.  Because she was only able to secure a laser therapy session with Jackson for the morning after they got home, that was just going to add even more to their travel time when they went to pick up Jackson after their flight.  In spite of the hectic schedule ahead, Jessie was living in the moment dreading having to say good-bye to Isabella, who was currently giggling up at Jessie from her lap as Jessie made all sorts of silly faces.

"You both really did not have to go overboard with all these toys and clothes," Joe, Brendan's older brother, assured them as he finished consolidating all of Isabella's gift items into two large purple and yellow gift bags from the couch.  

As Cheryl shook her head at him, her short red curls bounced with her.  "Joseph," she nearly hissed.  "Some gratitude."

"They know we are very grateful, but I was just saying they should not feel obligated to do all this as Izzy loves them either way," Joe retracted in annoyance.

Jessie and Brendan were lucky enough to get to see Joe and Cheryl at least twice a year, but the more Jessie observed them both interacting the more they reminded her of Jenny and Jake but not as humorous.  Back when her father-in-law was alive, she now understood why he didn't push Brendan to go to their engagement party when they got bumped off their flight and why they had been an on-again off-again couple when they were dating.

"It's all good," Brendan declared happily, though on the inside he was praying it would finally end the couple's bickering.  "We just wish we could be seeing Isabella on her actual birthday."

"Awh, don't worry about that at all," Cheryl assured them in her thick Boston accent.  "We completely understand.  When Izzy is older, we will be less finicky about flying with her to visit you.  Just look at how she loves her Auntie Jessie so much."

Jessie, who was only half-listening to what everybody else in the living room was talking about since her sister-in-law handed her niece over to her ten minutes ago, finally looked up.  "She's such a beauty," she stated with an absolute look of love over her face.  "I cannot believe how big she has gotten since I last saw her when I toured in Boston."

Cheryl cooed at her daughter, who quickly shot her mom a smile before turning back to Jessie completely mesmerized by her platinum heart pendant.  "She definitely is going to be tall like Joe," she told Jessie confidently.  "Already twenty-five pounds and twenty-nine inches long."

"Wow.  Well, Joe, she may have your stature but she looks so much like Cheryl thankfully," Brendan teased as he held his glass of water from the armchair.  

Joe reached over from his side of the couch playfully bopping Brendan over the head.  Brendan dramatically cried in pain throwing his arms up in the air shouting, "Why?"

Jessie laughed before starting to bounce Isabella on her knee.  "Are you sure you both can't stay one more night with us so we can enjoy this entertaining brotherly love?" she asked.

"As tempting as that sounds," Joe laughed.  "Just joking.  We would love to, but I was lucky I was even able to snag these two days off last minute.  Besides, aren't you guys leaving in two days?"

"Yes, but we wouldn't have minded at all," Brendan ascertained.  "It was nice to have you here for the night."

Having family stay over made Jessie despise the part of her career that kept her loved ones away from her even though she knew it was a trade-off to do what she loved with all their support and encouragement behind her.  As she more closely scooped her niece, whose eyes were beginning to droop in spite of her continued smile of adoration, she wondered if in the rare chance she did in fact become a mother if giving up her career may be the best option.

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