Chapter Ten

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"Are you sure this is what you want to do?" Brendan asked the following Friday as he watched Jessie apply mascara in front of her vanity in their en suite bathroom.  "Remember you're on break and you don't have to start anything now, especially since things have started to resume to normal."

Once she widened her eyes to focus on one last section of her left eye, she capped the charcoal mascara tube setting it aside before peering at Brendan in the mirror.  "I want to take advantage of this high," she responded with a smile checking that her light make-up was applied evenly throughout her face.  "It's only been over a week now that Neil has been with us and he has adjusted beautifully here being the medicine Jackson needs.  I cannot believe how much our Jackson has improved having Neil here in addition to these laser therapy sessions.  I shouldn't have jumped the gun on underestimating them."

Brendan kissed the side of her neck making her giggle and twitch her legs in spite of the slight shooting pain she kept ignoring the past couple of days going from below her stomach downward in addition to her lower back becoming sore.  She knew it had to be from overexerting herself rearranging the work-out room in the converted attic, but she didn't fancy a lecture from Brendan even if he meant well.  

"It certainly is great to see you happy and for things to finally be alright in spite of still mourning," Brendan agreed.  "I just don't want you to overwhelm yourself doing a last minute meet-and-greet at Waterstones.  Perhaps I'm being selfish, but you already have done so many meet-and-greets on your tour, including London."

"I never mind meeting my Heartbeats, Brendan, but I figured it would pack the house even more for your book signing if we shared a table," she explained hoping she didn't sound conceited.  "You're not offended, are you?"

Brendan laughed and stole a kiss before proceeding to wash his hands in the cream-colored pedestal sink.  "Of course not!" he exclaimed like that was the silliest thing she could have ever just said.  "My turn-outs for these things are hit and miss, but if all those people come to me that would increase hype for the book making the movie a definite next step.  Besides, it will great having you by my side."

Jessie stood from the ivory-cushioned stool turning towards Brendan who was now drying his hands on the hand towel hanging on a chrome circular handle to the left of the oval mirror.  "The dinner with the producer is tomorrow evening, right?  I know it will be just me, but I was going to just make a small whole chicken in a slow cooker that way we can have leftovers for lunch Sunday.  Maybe I could make chicken soup," she suggesting trying to envision what ingredients she exactly had in the cabinets downstairs.  "Or maybe even cream of chicken soup because I know that's your favorite."

"Shit," Brendan nearly spat out as he froze mid-wipe.

Like her, Brendan was seldom one to curse in a regular conversation unless he was extremely angry or feeling something quite strongly.  "What?" she asked nervously. 

"Babe, I can't believe I forgot to tell you this.  My agent invited you to join us," he brought up.  

Jessie was used to being home alone in situations like these causing her to raise a neatly tweezed eyebrow up in suspicion.  "What does Gary want from me?" she inquired with interest.  All she could really think of was perhaps he wanted her to sing for the soundtrack, but it was way too early for that; in theory, the meeting could go sour if the producer and Brendan did not meet eye to eye, though Jessie was praying it would not come down to that.

"He thinks this is going to be pretty big so he would love for you to be there to celebrate the first step forward into production," he answered finally finishing up with the hand towel.

Feeling guilty, Jessie really did not feel like going tomorrow honestly.  Oddly she was uncertain of the reason and hated herself for feeling that way being Brendan had accompanied her to a plethora of events such as award shows, charity functions, and even a couple of times went to a couple of her CD signings before the tour.  "Sure," she agreed reluctantly.  "If that's what you want."

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