Chapter Twenty-nine

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"I'm really afraid production is going to fall to shit," Brendan nearly whispered. "I've never felt more rundown. I only called you literally two minutes ago and I already have to go."

The exhaustion in his voice when he called was apparent and the worst part was that Jessie could do nothing about it. His calls were becoming less and less both in frequency and duration and his normal cool and collective self sounded closer to breaking everyday. "It just sounds like a case of too many chefs spoiling the broth.  Was anything said about canceling the movie completely?" Jessie asked as she slipped back on her flipflops and began to return inside from her yard to escape the blazing July heat.

"No," he told her quietly. "I guess this isn't my field so I'm not used to all this pressure and problems with third parties. It's not even my job to deal with, but I'm there for the ride."

"Everything will be okay, babe, and -" she began.

"I hate to do this, but they're snapping their fingers at me," Brendan grumbled. "I'm sorry we never got around to talking about how things have been with you lately.  I love you. Talk to you hopefully soon."

Before Jessie could even respond, the line was already dead. Just spending some time weekly with your ex-girlfriend's daughter, she answered in her head.

In reality in the two times she spent with Riley, things were not at all awkward to the point where one hour became three last week as Jessie lost complete track of time at the playground by her house where Mr. Softee came around.

"Gia, it's almost 12:30!" Jessie called out once she was in her kitchen clutching her phone.

Jessie doubted just spending a little time with Riley changed a lot, but she attributed any change Gianna may have noticed with dance camp.  In the past week, Gianna could not stop telling Jessie how that's all Riley gushed about at home.

Heading to the refrigerator, Jessie opened its doors scanning the contents on each shelf to inspire something good for lunch as the sudden rush of coolness refreshed her.  I could use that leftover cheese mix for a four-cheese grilled cheese, she thought to herself as she additionally spotted half a tomato left sealed by saran wrap.  Or maybe if I just take a quick ride to that Italian market I can pick up a large block of mozzarella and use some of it for a Caprese panini and the rest for Brendan's ziti recipe.

It was then that judging by the lack of footsteps coming from anywhere, Jessie noticed that Gianna was not making any move to head out to the YMCA.  "Hey, it's getting close to 12:30!" she repeated again towards the living room as she closed the stainless steel fridge doors behind her.

There was silence.  Deciding Gianna must have forgotten to tidy something upstairs, Jessie made her way into the living room when she spotted her frail frame hunched over on the couch with her hands holding her forehead.  "I know," her tiny voice peeped.

"Are you okay?" Jessie nearly gasped as she rushed towards Gianna kneeling below her.  

Gianna forced a smile on her flushed face, her eyes clouded with sleep.  "Yes, just really exhausted," she answered quietly.  "All I was doing was putting away towels and I feel as though I took two Tylenol PM."

Jessie studied Gianna's eyes that looked pretty lucid in spite of the dark circles under her eyes.  "Did you eat anything?" she asked, searching her face for any more answers.  "Did you get enough sleep?"

"Ever since school has been out and dance camp has started, Riley has been sleeping so I have been sleeping," Gianna answered.  "I ate cereal this morning and even finished Riley's leftover toast.  I have sandwiches already waiting for us at home.  Oh, shit, I have to get going!"

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