Chapter Five

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"Dad and I feel really bad we weren't home yesterday," Jessie's mother's voice from the other side of the receiver apologized profusely. "I know it is such a hike from where you live, but you know you are always welcome here even when we aren't home."

While Rose always reminded her of this often, it was just another thing to add to the list of downfalls for moving out of London to a dream house in England's breathtaking countryside. "Thanks, Mum. Well, we at least had the opportunity to try to raise Jackson's spirits while we were by you," Jessie concluded somberly as she glanced at Jackson curled up in his bed in the living room looking so glum and feeble.

"With his arthritis, I think any place that involves walking is not going to be enticing including his favorite park. Don't worry, love. As soon as you start to see him getting better with that therapy you were telling me about, he will be running around ready to embark the great outdoors," Rose told her with much hope in her voice.

Jessie took comfort in the cradling cushioning of the ivory-colored armchair that completely went with the rest of her living room set that surrounded a prairie style fireplace and the TV suspended above it. Her wedding portrait on an adjacent wall with the church grotto serving as a background revealed a close-up of Brendan gazing up lovingly into Jessie's eyes holding her hand from a kneeling position while she smiled down in complete bliss.

"The therapy apparently is extremely successful so we shall see when he starts in a few days," Jessie responded. While she knew it could take more than one day to hear back from the vet's office, she had been hoping all morning that the phone call would just come so she could stop worrying that arthritis may be the least of Jackson's problems.

Before she could say anymore, the sound of sneakers against the hardwood floors caused her to direct her attention behind her. "Hold on, Mum," she said into the receiver while looking at Brendan.

"I didn't mean to interrupt, but when you're finished on the phone, do you want to take a ride with me to the pharmacy? We're down to our last antihistamines and I can tell by how much I want to rip my left eye out that allergy season is going to be a killer this year," he joked, holding up a near empty orange box of Piriton tablets.

Figuring they could stop in the cafe while they were there, Jessie nodded. "Give me five minutes. I'm craving that iced hibiscus tea," she replied with a smirk.

Brendan just shook his head and laughed on his way out; while he, too, enjoyed that very beverage, it became almost an inside joke over Jessie's obsession with the passion fruit iced tea back in the United States at Starbucks. "Am I keeping you, love?" Rose asked nervously before Jessie could even say a word into the receiver.

"Not at all. Brendan and I are just going to run out in a little bit, but not this very second," Jessie insisted.

"Oh, in that case, you two go do what you need to do as I have kept you on here for almost an hour," Rose urged with genuine care. "And then as soon as you get Jackson's results whether it's later or tomorrow, definitely give Dad and me a call."

While Jessie did not mean for her mother to feel the need to hang up, she knew she would be back on the phone with her very soon for the reason she had mentioned. "Give my love to Dad and I will definitely call you as soon as I know anything," Jessie promised. "I love you, Mum."

After she returned the cordless phone to its cradle on the left end table, Jessie began to make her way back into the foyer. "Babe, I'm ready when you are!" she called looking up and around in all directions unsure of where he went.

As soon as she heard the jingling of car keys from the back, she knew Brendan would be making his way from the kitchen. "You didn't have to the end the conversation on my account. The pharmacy and the surrounding businesses are the only closest things we have to civilization so it takes one, two, three to get there and back," he teased as he walked towards Jessie.

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