Chapter Thirteen

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"So everything is negative. Thank you so much," Jessie said into the phone in relief a couple of days later into the midst of her walk with Jackson and Neil. The dogs patiently sat in the moist grass looking up at Jessie, who was too busy looking into the field of green as she spoke.

"You're welcome and I shall see you later in the year for your physical," Dr. Solberg replied. "Take care of yourself."

After she thanked her again before ending the call, Jessie took in the rather cold air for a spring afternoon. Although she began to really feel better with the antibiotics now being in her system for about forty-eight hours, it was still a relief not to have to return to Dr. Solberg's office even if the culture just ended up showing she needed to take something stronger. Her feelings of course had not changed about constantly feeling as if she lived in medical building, but the last thing she needed was to be incapacitated while her husband seemed so troubled over David even though he would not admit anything.

Unable to stand his walk interrupted, Neil suddenly stood on all fours wagging his tail and letting out an urging bark. "Alright, I'm ready," she assured him as she stared into his wet, excited eyes.

The ever observant Jackson looked up and down between his newest best friend and his mother before mimicking Neil in a smaller raspier bark; Jessie could not resist containing her laughter as she stared down at him. "So the two of you are ganging up on Mummy, are you?" she asked them both before taking her first step forward.

The area was gated, but Jessie still guided them both on leashes this far into their property where she did not want them chasing wild critters; she was feeling better, but was still not up for a high speed race with the dogs for acres. She nearly stumbled forward as Neil abruptly stopped while sniffing obsessively at a spot by the tall metal fence that divided their property with a local farmer's lands. "Then we're heading back after you do your business," she instructed Neil as if he truly understood. "Jackson already went so we are waiting on you."

Neil was too occupied with deciding which spot of grass he intended to mark with Jackson as the ever loyal spectator. Jessie turned back, her house nearly looking like a child's playhouse from this distance. Brendan was not very forward about the rest of his evening with David at breakfast the next morning; she did put herself to bed not long after the limo brought her home, but any efforts to stay up for him resulted in failure as he had been right - David aside, her ailment really ran her down. All he kept telling her over his croissant and caramel infused coffee was they discussed technical details over the movie that really would not interest her.

Jessie sighed staring into the overcast as she held a lapel of her long black doubled breasted French coat with her free hand. It wasn't that she did not believe him; for one there were of course no late phone calls from any authority figures and Brendan was physically unscathed. Perhaps it was all in her imagination, but Brendan seemed quieter the past couple of days. In fact, there was a distant look in Brendan's eyes that alarmed her as if he was a bit preoccupied.

Stop overthinking, she urged her brain. It should not be a shocker that he has been working on his newest book and then you had to take Jackson for his laser therapy in the evening. And did you not stop for ice cream on the way home so you could touch base with Holly?

Jessie took all measures to ensure Neil and Jackson remained quiet once they reentered the kitchen, her favorite offering bribe consisting of treats. While barking would not disturb Brendan in his office, he had already been about forty-five minutes into an important conference call when she went to take the dogs outside. As tempted as she was, she wanted to ask him if it had anything to do with David but he had beat her to the chase over egg salad sandwiches and coleslaw for lunch by informing her it was Henry.

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