Chapter Twenty-four

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"This is not at all a setback," Amber insisted the following Wednesday. "You finally patched things up with your parents and had a lovely time with them, but then they had to fly back home. It's only normal to be sad. How did you feel when you first went on tour?"

Jessie knew she got her there and perhaps she was wasting time bringing the fact she moped around the house yesterday feeling lonely and hoping that when she finally got to see Brendan things would go as smoothly as they did with her parents. "It's always horrible saying my last goodbye to everybody, especially Brendan, when I have had to leave for a while," she concurred without hesitation. "Being able to talk to them in person and being in contact with my family and friends back in the UK again has lifted a huge weight off my shoulders..."

"But you now are wondering about Brendan," Amber completed.

Nodding, Jessie began to fan herself in spite of the air conditioner set on full blast. Amber glanced back towards the window to check the setting, before turning back towards Jessie. "Are you both still talking?" she asked.

"Every other day or couple of days depending on his schedule, but it still feels different," Jessie answered. "I know he has to work nonstop, but after being able to physically talk to my parents I really want to just to fly out to him for a couple of days. I'm not sure if it will blow up in my face because I know he sees the time as a break after all that's happened, but I'm considering it."

"But at the same time, the more he's away from you the worse it can be. Unfortunately there is no easy answer regarding which is your best option, but you know your husband better than I do," Amber told her. "Consider his personality and what his coping mechanisms are when you fight. That will help guide you to whether or not you should go to California."

Although it was not the ideal answer, Jessie knew deep down Amber was right and luckily she had until August to make up her mind.

"I know it's only been a few sessions and in spite of feeling a bit sad over your parents and your fear about Brendan, you seem to get happier as the days go by," Amber remarked with a huge smile, the glaring sun peering through the windows bringing out her natural highlights. "What do you think is attributing to that?"

Thinking for a moment, Jessie rubbed the tip of her chin. "Of course coming here helps and as I told you having my support system back is relieving. But oddly, you know what really helps a great deal to my shock since I was so opposed initially?" Jessie asked her. "Having an assistant. And she's quite diligent, respectful, and overall nice."

Amber examined Jessie's expression carefully. "I'm glad to hear that," she told her. "But why the furrowed brow?"

Jessie tried her best to relax her forehead and nervously tucked chunks of her dark locks behind her ear. "Jenny really doesn't trust her still," she sighed.  "She's not as adamant about it ever since my parents sang Gianna's praises in front of her when we all went out to eat this weekend, but she's so convinced Gianna is going to take advantage of me big time or whatever."

"And what does your gut tell you?" Amber challenged.

Jessie took a second to think.  "That Gianna really has not yet given me a reason to doubt her or be suspicious of anything," she responded.  "She does a fantastic job and doesn't even mind taking Jackson to his weekly laser therapy appointments to a vet's office that's not too close to my house."

"Again, Jess, you've already found the positive track that you have long sought," Amber declared with a smile.  "The only person's perspective that is of utmost importance when living your own life is yours at the end of the day.  If she ever gives you a reason to be suspicious, you cross that bridge when you get to it but for now, trust your own perceptions and what makes you happy."

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