Chapter Eleven

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Unable to refrain from laughing nervously, Jessie stopped kicking her legs from underneath the examination table trying to distract herself once again with the rectangular painting of a father and his son fishing with their backs towards the viewers.  As it proved to continuously be unsuccessful, Jessie's direct contact with the blood pressure machine ended up being the absolute solution to her loony behavior as she was reminded of the five foot nothing aide who reported slightly elevated pressure.  

Not a big deal anymore in the grand scheme of things, she thought to herself.  

Eyeing the analog clock to the right of the painting, Jessie knew there was still some time before she and Brendan had to leave to make it to Bella Vita's in time for the reservation set by his agent.  Dr. Solberg had been booked solid, even though Jessie made the call for an appointment when she came home from the pharmacy yesterday afternoon,  leaving her no choice but to take on the 4:00 slot.  In spite of her short violet dress neatly pressed and ironed on a wooden hanger behind her bathroom door, Jessie instructed Brendan to leave without her in case things took longer than expected.  Brendan insisted she just stay home given her circumstances, but she insisted on going anyway.

The thought of Brendan made her already aching lower abdomen match the excruciating pain in her back as guilt consumed her.  She had yet to tell him the truth about buying a pregnancy test instead and comically ordering an iced tea at the French cafe just so she could use their bathroom.

It's probably just better to tell him the news after the doctor, she thought to herself confidently.

As if on cue with Jessie's brain, the white door ahead of Jessie creaked open as a lanky, aging redhead stumbled in with a pale yellow file pressed against her white lab coat.  "Ah, Jessica," she cordially greeted in her hoarse voice the moment her shapely, blue eyes spotted Jessie at the center of the quiet room with freshly painted white walls.  "It's lovely to see you."

Jessie politely repeated the same sentiment, although after having seen Dr. Silverstein and the vet she felt like she took residence in doctor's offices.  "I was looking at the forwarded paperwork on your injury.  How is your leg feeling?" she asked as she stared at the mentioned body part.

"A lot better since I have stopped touring," Jessie answered.  "I just have to be sure not to overexert myself."

Dr. Solberg nodded.  "I'm glad and even more relieved you did not need yet another surgery on a limb," she admitted with a smile.

The thought of surgery made Jessie equally glad that her last was many moons ago.  

"Anyway, after an analysis of your urine sample, which should be ready any minute, this visit should be relatively quick and confirm my diagnosis without even examining you.  However, please tell me when this pain began," Dr. Solberg urged as she got closer to Jessie.

Describing the one-day light cramping that returned this morning followed by the back pain, Dr. Solberg nodded in acknowledgement as she examined Jessie's bloated lower abdomen before beginning to press against her lower back.  Jessie nearly fell forward in pain, causing Dr. Solberg to scribble something down in Jessie's file.

"You mentioned to Ingrid that your period came as of this morning," she declared rather than questioned.  "And that your pregnancy test came back negative."

Without even getting a chance to register anything, a short, young woman with curly brown hair quietly entered the room, creeping Jessie out by perfect timing once again.  "Thanks, Ingrid," Dr. Solberg stated as she accepted a sheet with different colored boxes and levels.

As the physician quickly scanned the results, Ingrid exited the door as quickly as she had entered it.  "Given the location and intensity of your pain, your low grade fever, the presence of protein, red blood cells, and white blood cells in spite of you starting menstruation, you undoubtedly have an upper urinary tract infection," she declared still staring down at the results.  "However, it is nothing to be alarmed about so I am going to recommend no further tests as of now.  I am ordering a urine culture as a precaution.   I was reviewing your file and saw you do not have a history of these types of infections, but you did have a UTI once before your period.  I am going to put you on a round of antibiotics that should clear up the infection without a problem.  If the urine culture shows something more, which it shouldn't, then we will consider more measures."

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